Jill F. Feldman Malen

Profile Updated: June 7, 2018
Residing In Chesterfield, MO USA
Spouse/Partner Jim Malen
Occupation Clinical Nurse Specialist
Children Joel Malen, 41 yr old, is my wonderful step son. He has his PhD and is a professor of International More…Business in Tokyo. He is married to Mariko, a master's prepared nurse who we all love. She works in a Cardiac ICU and just got a nurse of the year award. Jim and I also have 2 daughters together:
Susan is 31 and very successful in her career as an event planner with Agency RE in Chicago planning big corporate events. She is married to Rory, who is very successful and personable. He sells and distributes electronic registers to large retail chains such as grocery stores and department stores. They are expecting our first grandchild this year in August. They just moved into a lovely large home in Bucktown Chicago.
Julie is 30 years old. She played hockey on the Ladue High-school boy's hockey team. She got a full scholarship to Kansas City Art Institute. She has her masters in fine arts from VCU. She lives in New York and makes a good living creating art. Her dream is to become a professor of art at a college art school. She is extremely talented and very hard working. Creating art is her first love and she also loves to teach, so working hard in the art field is her greatest pleasure.
Yes! Attending Reunion

Ever since graduating from WG High School I have been in the nursing profession. I actually started nursing in high school when my science teacher announced one day in class that they needed part-time help at St. Mary's Hospital for nursing assistants. I started nursing in 1966 and have been doing so ever since. I have my BSN in nursing and 2 masters degrees and one post masters degree in nursing. I have been a clinical nurse specialist at Barnes-Jewish Hospital since 1976. I have many publications in nursing and medical journals and have received many awards in nursing. There is an award every year in my name, The Jill Malen Nursing Research Award that is given to a nurse every year at Barnes-Jewish Hospital during Nurse's Week. I love nursing and find it challenging, dynamic, exciting and rewarding.

School Story

Just that I found my love for nursing through the encouragement of my WG High School Science teacher. Nursing has always been my first love. It is hard work but very rewarding. The best gift in life is to be able to help other people heal from trauma and disease.
I will say that I will never forget one school story that happened to me at Hixon. One day after school I used magic marker to draw a heart on the wall outside the front of Hixon. The principle expelled me from school and would not let me try out for the cheerleader team. I could not go back to school until I got the heart off of the wall. My Mom and I spent several nights, after she got home from work, scrubbing the wall. The principal also told my Mom that I would never amount to anything and never go to college. I guess I proved him wrong!!! My Mom told him that you can't keep punishing a child for the same thing over and over again and he finally let me come back to school.

Jill F.'s Latest Interactions

Jul 05, 2018 at 8:44 PM

Great career. So glad to hear. Congrats on your retirement.

Jun 28, 2018 at 11:59 PM

Hi Janet. Glad to be able to connect with you. I think of you often and your awesome Mom and Dad. We had some great times together and hope you are doing well. Sorry to hear your husband passed away. Hopefully we can connect soon.
Best Regards

Jun 28, 2018 at 11:55 PM

Carol. I don't know if you remember me. I enjoyed reading your profile and learning of your career in Art History. My daughter is a practicing artist in New York City. She got her bachelors from KC Art Institute and MFA at VCU. Her name is Julie Malen if you want to check out her art. Best of luck to you and your family,
Jill Feldman Malen

Jun 28, 2018 at 11:48 PM

Hi Mary Ellen. So good to finally get in touch with you. We have a lot to catch up on together. So many fond memories of nursing school and sharing 4 years together as roommates throughout our nursing program at Mizzou. Would love to catch up with you. My phone is 314-322-8011 and email is malenjill@yahoo.com. Your story is amazing and I am sure you have a great family. Hope you enjoy them for many years during your retirement.
Best Regards, Jill

Jun 28, 2018 at 11:38 PM

Hi Connie,
I also live in Chesterfield. We should get together. Will never forget the trip to Florida with your family. Thanks for the good memory. Hope you are doing great.
