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Site Information

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First Time Visitors

Welcome!  Please take a few minutes to read this page as it will answer all your questions on how to obtain a password, create a profile, and use this web site. 

This site is for and maintained by formers students of Mount View High School.  It is completely free to all fellow students, graduates, and faculty of Mount View High School in Welch, West Virginia.  You will never be asked to pay to make a profile, access other class or faculty profiles, or otherwise use this site.

PRIVACY:  All personal information such as address, telephone, and/or email addresses that you enter into this website will not be shared without your consent.  This information is used to verify your identity in order to perserve the integrity of our site and/or for reunion planning purposes.  We will never rent, share, or sell your personal contact information.   If you choose to display your personal information on your profile, the site administrators will not be held responsible for any damages caused by public access to your personal information.  Due to increased occurrences of identity theft, it is very important that you determine how your personal information is shared and with whom when creating or updating your Classmate Profile.  You have the ability to limit exactly what is shared with the public and with your fellow classmates.   Please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for more information on how to edit your profile and contact information.

PROFILE VISIBILITY:   If you choose to restrict your profile, the information you enter will be visible only to other registered members of our site.   If you choose not to restrict your profile, your information will be accessible to all site visitors, general public, and the public search engines (e.g., Google).  Please refer to our FAQ for more information regarding profile visibility.

MESSAGES:  You can send and receive private messages using this site.  The Message Center works much like a web-based email program.  Please note that when you send messages to another person using the Message Center, you give your consent to send your email address along with your message to the recipient.  By doing so, he recipient can reply directly to you instead of the Class Creator folks.  :)   Please read our FAQ to ensure that you receive all messages sent to you from this site! 

CONTENT:  You are responsible for all content posted to your profile.  This includes, but is not limited to, photographs and videos.  By posting any multimedia, you certify that you either own or have permission to post this content and are not violating any copyrights, trademarks. etc . The administrators will not be held responsible for any damages that may be incurred for any content (including photos, videos, etc) posted to profiles. 

So, you're still uncertain about joining our alumni site because you're already using Facebook, Myspace, or another social networking site?  We use these other sites, too, but we think you'll enjoy reuniting with not only your class but with others who attended our alma mater.  Besides, joining our site is quick, free, and easy to do - and we'll never send you spam!  :)  

Read below for a personal note from our host, Class Creator

NOTE FROM OUR HOST: "Class Creator provides a radically different experience than Facebook.  You're not realistically going to go onto Facebook and add every single Classmate you went to school with as a friend. Facebook is about creating a much more focused group of people in your own inner circle. Class Creator is about reuniting your entire class. Reliving memories. Honoring Classmates that have been lost. And bringing back to life a time period. None of that happens on Facebook. There's just something to be said for having your own personal web site rather than being part of a generic social networking system. We realize Class Creator requires a lot of work ... but having said that we believe Classmates get a whole heckuva lot more out of their experience here than they can possibly get on Facebook."  -- Brad Switzer  ... and we couldn't have said it better ourselves!  

Update:  Now get the best of both worlds!   Integrate the Golden Knights Alumni website nto your Facebook experience by using the Class Connection app!   Get started today by clicking on the "Try Class Connection" link on the Home Page

GUESTS:  Graduation isn't a prerequisite for joining our alumni site.  We simply ask that you were a student, teacher, or faculty at Mount View High School in Welch, WV.   If you would like to be our guest, please Contact Us today.  Be sure to include your class year and contact information. 

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  1. Visit our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for site information and member functions questions.
  2. To ensure delivery of messages sent through this site, please add noreply@classcreator.net AND siteadmin@mountviewalumni.com to your "safe list," "safe senders," or address book.
  3. Email addresses that are invalid and/or from which email is returned will be deleted.  If an alternative method of contact is not available, your account may also be reset.  This is done to protect your personal information.   You will be able to rejoin the site. 
  4. Incomplete profiles will not be verified unless prior contact with an administrator has been made.  Profiles that remain incomplete after 3 days will be deleted.
  5. You must be logged in to view Profile Updates, Birthdays, and locations of members.
  6. You have to be a member of the respective class in order to view the Class Pages.
  7. Want your senior picture to appear in the top-right corner of your profile? (Check out some of the members of the Class of '85). Email your scanned senior picture, and we'll take care of the rest.  Remember to include your name and class year.
  8. Is your class list incomplete?  Download the Class List Template to help update it. Contact the Site Administrator if you'd like to be the Class Administrator for your class.

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Last Updated: 01/02/16
