Kathleen Jahn O'Leary

Profile Updated: July 8, 2010
Residing In: west bend, WI USA
Spouse/Partner: duane o'leary
Occupation: Homemaker
Children: Jason Milligan 31 married to Bethany Milligan. Graduated from West Bend East in 1997 and attended Carthage More…College and Graduated in 2001 with double major in Businness and Marketing. He Now lives in Chippwa Falls and is a Beratic Sales Rep for Johnson and Johnson. They Have 4 children, Twins Alexis and Quinn who will be 5 in December and They just had twin boys July 7, 2010 Keyton Henery and Jaxon Josepha.

Erin (Milligan) Kuechler 29 married to Eric Kuechler. Erin Graduated from WEst Bend East in 1997 and Graduated from UWWC in 2001 and from MPTC in 2002. She recieved her R.N. Degree from MPTC and now is an R.N. at West Allis Memorial Hospital on the Rehabe floor. She lives in Kewaskum. She has 3 children Austin Milliga-Kierzek. He is 11 and will be attending Silverbrook Middle School. He plays soccer for the YMCA, Little League for Jackson Little League. He also Playes hockey at the Kettle Morain Ice Center. He will be a first year Pee-Wee for the Washington County Ice and can't wait to check someone into the boards. Go Ice!!! Aiden Kuechler is # and wants to do everything his big brother does. He Playes soccer at the y and was in Pre-Hockey at the Ice Center. You are suppose to be 4 to be in Pre-Hockey, but Duane and I have taken him skateing so much they allowed him to start at 3. I can only imagine how well he will skate when he starts to play hockey, and then there is Allison who is 6 months old. She is very mellow and has a great personality already. She will have to hold her own with 2 older brothers.
Yes! Attending Reunion
Funny or Fond High School Memories

I guess my fondest memories of high school would be the Germany trip I took with the German class. I also remember spending alot of time in the SAC playing Sheepshead and talking with friends.

My life since high school...

Since high school I goy married to Kevin Milligan in April of 1977. Our first child was born on November1977. His name is Jason Milligan. Our second child was born in May 1981.Her name is Erin (Milligan) Kuechler. Kevin and I divorced in 1982. In August 1984 I married Duane O'Leary and have been married ever since. I worked for Sentry Foods in West Bend from its opening in1988 till it closed in 2000. I then went to Port Washington Sentry for a year and ended up at Hartford Sentry till 2008 when my position was elemenated. I have beeen watching my grandkids for my daughter. Together with Duane we have now 10 Grandchildren. Duanes 3 children have 3 children and my 2 children have 7 children. Jason has 4 and Erin has 3.


As you have figured out my grandchildren are my world. I enjoy watching Austin in ever sport he does. I even watch his pratices when I can. The most fun is watching him play hockey and going away to tournaments with the family. I spend alot of time at the hockey rink working conncession or when the new season opens helping with putting in the new ice and helping with painting the ice. I am so surprised when people still don't know there is an ice rink in West Bend. If you you get a chance you should come watch the young hockey players or even check out our semi-pro mens team the Bombers.

I do find it ironic that I went to West while my chidren went to East. I found it hard to cheer for East.

I also wish I would have taken keyboarding in High School so I would be able to type alot faster than I am.

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Jun 09, 2017 at 4:33 AM
Jun 09, 2016 at 4:33 AM
Jun 09, 2015 at 4:33 AM
