David Lemke

Profile Updated: June 21, 2015
David Lemke
Residing In: Menasha, WI USA
Spouse/Partner: Colleen
Yes! Attending Reunion
High School Nickname

Obie I had more but liked this one best

Latest Updates since 35th Reunion

Forty years from High School, how did that happen?
Now 35 years married and proud to say that I [we] are now grandparents...twice!
Two grand daughters, Melody age 3 and Vivian age 1. Healthy and loads of fun. The trick to life is to live long enough to have grandkids and explore life all over again through toddlers eyes.

Funny or Fond High School Memories

Almost any day in high school. I fell in with a great group of kids. Everyday was an adventure.

My life since high school...

I am married [now 30 years!] to Colleen. Two daughters, Jessica [Gregg] and Stephanie [Alex]. No grandkids yet, but I am sure they will be coming one day.
Moved to Appleton area 14 years ago. Enjoy the area, we live 3 blocks from a boat ramp.
Have enjoyed many of lifes experiences, family, travel, hobbies [old cars].
Both Colleen and I have had health issues, but I hope we are past them now, and will be able to enjoy the rest of our years in relative good health.
I so much enjoy these reunions and look forward to them. I hope to see/talk to everyone there!

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David Lemke updated profile. View.
Jun 21, 2015 at 2:56 PM
