Website Info


This site is operated by and for the use and enjoyment of the members, friends and families of the West Carrollton High School Class of 1990. It's purpose is to foster friendship and communication among its members


Privacy Notice

This site adheres to a defined privacy policy. No public display of member information is made without express permission. The West Carrollton High School Class of 1990 maintains copyrights on all materials at this site-not otherwise held by their respective owners. Information presented is to be used for personal use only. Any and all use of information or data for commercial purposes is prohibited.

The webmaster makes every attempt to insure the accuracy of all information contained on this site; We reserve the right to remove or edit any information that we deem offensive, inappropriate, or hateful..In some cases information may be put on the website with a belief the material is OK to display. If at anytime someone feels something should be removed, they should contact the webmaster as soon as possible to see what can be done. In most cases I will put things up until someone says they shouldnt be there.All suggestions are welcome.


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