In Memory

Ron Burns

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04/27/15 06:15 PM #1    

Susie Trimble (Brusby)

Good-bye, dear Ron.  Rest in peace with the Lord and your earthly family that has gone before you.  You are remembered very fondly and loved by many.

04/28/15 05:00 PM #2    

Larry Fritz

This is a very sad day for all of us that LOVED RON BURNS.  We hung out together with a number of our BEST FRIENDS.  Ron was, without a doubt, the most gentle, polite person in our class.  Knowing his LOVE for the LORD, we all know now that he will be in a better place.  Even thou we have a 50th year re-runion coming up, I believe he will be with us in SPIRT.  GOOD BLESS YOU, AND WE WILL ALL MEET AGAIN UP ABOVE....Sent from Larry Fritz

04/29/15 03:55 PM #3    

Pete Ashlock

It is a sad day knowing Ron is no longer with us.  He had such a confidence about dieing.  He knew his time was coming and he faced it with dignity just as he did with his life.  I was hoping to see him in July as Susie was hoping to see him in June.  Someday we will all have another reunion with Jesus as our Master of Ceremonies, and yes, Ron will be with us in Spirit in October.  Rest in Peace my friend..................Pete Ashlock


04/29/15 04:00 PM #4    

Gary Baxter

So sad to hear about Ron.  I have so many good memories of Ron on the basketball court.  He had such a great smile.

06/05/15 02:16 PM #5    

Linda Kline (Nimtz)

I just read your survey responses and had to cry.  You knew you would be leaving soon and were so gracious and appreciative of every moment you had left.  I will cherish the talks we had.  I hope you are resting peacefully, dear friend.  

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