55 Year Reunion


Reunion Weekend - Postponed Due to Corona-19 Pandemic

July 10-12, 2020
Dear Classmates

Our Reunion has been postponed until at least next year due to the Corona-19 Pandemic

Martha Bills (marthabills@gmail.com)

Judi Waite Washington  (queensmom@hotmail.com)               
Contact us if you have any questions
Here are some of the activities we have done at past reunions:
Friday night:
In Past years: we met 6:00pm- Wine tasting at Noble Winery, Hardscrabble Rd, cash bar
In Past years: we met at 7:00pm- Get together at Ed Kneer’s garage 7607 North Gale St: Beer, wine, pop and snacks included
In Past years:There was a 9-2pm- Farmer’s Market,
Cruise- in Moore Park
        In Past years: Class Dinner, at the Moose
        In Past years: 5:30pm-Cocktails, cash bar
In Past years: 7:00pm-Buffet Dinner
In Past years:9:00pm-Alumni Dance, Eason Hall, BYOB
In Past years:10:30am Alumni Spirit Celebration, memorial balloon release, Town Pier, Barcelona
In Past years:12: 30pm: Firemen’s Ox Roast, Ottoway Park, meet at Alumni tent

We would like your suggestions for activities, so we can plan a schedule and determin a cost.

Visit our website: www.wacs65.com

55 year Calss Reunion (Friday July 10 2020)
