Dawn Hammond Tuskey

Profile Updated: September 17, 2015
Dawn Hammond
Residing In: Downers Grove, IL USA
Spouse/Partner: Dennis Tuskey
Occupation: Entrepreneur
Children: Fur Baby named Moose.
Yes! Attending Reunion

By now everyone knows Dennis Tuskey and I got married many moons ago...2/6/1989. We are still going strong and are still very much in love - go figure - ha, ha.

We hope everyone (and their families) is happy, healthy, and doing well. Nothing but warm thoughts and best wishes for everyone from the Class of 1981.

School Story:

I was a family member of the Sheridan Family. We did so many things together. All those activities and the people I did them with are my favorite school stories.

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Sep 17, 2015 at 6:43 PM

Don't I know you? Lol.

Sep 17, 2015 at 6:35 PM
