In Memory

Vic Anderson

Vic took a path in life not many of us might contemplate.  The below from Vic's Facebook page (  You can also learn more about Vic's work on his web page,

Victor Henry Anderson
January 16, 1948 - April 22, 2015

Vic Anderson lived an exotic, eclectic and ultimately very meaningful life. He had many incarnations in this lifetime transforming himself from an all-star athlete, to a drug smuggler, to a Hollywood Teamster, to a Buddhist activist before finally evolving into a warrior of Compassion. He was the most interesting and courageous person many of his friends and family have ever known. 

But most importantly, Vic was a brilliant example of a brother, friend, father, grandfather and husband. His wife Nanea Reeves, daughter Sylvie Howell, grandchildren Isabelle, Dashiell and Liam, brothers Scott and Paul, his many cousins, colleagues and friends all over the world deeply cherish Vic’s memory and the impact he had on their lives.

Vic’s greatest contribution was his 29 years of service and helping others. Having turned his life around from a dark addiction-fueled past in 1985, Vic was fervently committed to supporting others in their efforts to rehabilitate their lives. His legacy is evidenced by the many men and women Vic helped in recovery who are now living happy and productive lives. 

In 2006, Vic travelled to India where he received transformative teachings from the Dalai Lama. From this moment until his last breath, Vic was a practicing Buddhist in the Vajrayana Tradition. He started Bodhicitta, Inc. a non-profit organization that focuses on creating small acts of charity. His greatest area of concern was the preservation of the Tibetan culture and teachings. His belief was that the compassionate nature of the Tibetan people and their buddhist practice was vital for the happiness of all beings on this planet.

Bodhicitta, Inc. has supported the college education of two Tibetan nomad women, brought holiday cheer to several Los Angeles homes for the elderly, rebuilt a monastery and Buddhist school in Tibet, an orphanage in Vietnam and is in the process of finishing Vic’s last project -- a school in Tibet for Nomad girls who are not normally educated. The construction of this school will commence in the Spring of 2016.

Vic died a glorious death. It was beautiful, peaceful and a communion between all of the people who were woven into the fabric of his life. A drumbeat of people’s hearts near and far that emerged from his family, friends, colleagues and even complete strangers who had heard about this dying man’s wish to build a girl’s school in Tibet. It was an amazing thing to watch the rally of support. 

The last two months of Vic’s life was a song of eulogy given to a man before he left us - An endless stream of people who came to let him know exactly how they felt about him and what a difference he had made in their lives.

Vic gave very specific instructions in his will on how he wanted to die. Specifically he said, “It is important that no persons express great grief around my body during this phase. Only those who can help me through a peaceful transition should be present.”

While it was incredibly hard for his family and friends to know that they were losing someone they loved, having this instruction brought them together as a family and as a community -- to not make his illness and ultimate death about how it was affecting them but to help him with his transcendence from this life. As a result, Vic’s journey to his next destination was filled with great moments of grace and tenderness during what is normally seen as a tragic time for most. 

His wife, Nanea and his daughter Sylvie were with Vic during his last breath and moment of life on this earth in his meditation room. Also present were some of Vic’s closest friends. It was a beautiful and profound experience and everyone present will be forever changed by watching someone die as beautifully as he lived.

Vic did not want his body to be touched or moved for 4 days in keeping with the Buddhist tradition. His family was able to honor that wish and surround his body with prayer and meditation during those four days. On the 4th day the men Vic had helped throughout the years carried his body out of his house with their love, compassion and prayers for his journey. Those prayers continued in Vic’s home, in the monasteries of Dharamsala and in Tibet for the 49 day cycle following his death. This was exactly as Vic wanted it.

Vic taught us that death is not something to be feared but an important part of the pattern of life. It is important that we create the space to let our people know before they leave that they are loved and that they made a difference in our lives and that we will be okay without them. Vic Anderson’s family and friends came together as a community to create that sacred message to Vic before he left this world. He knew he made a difference in the world and died without any regret. He left here knowing he was very much loved. It was a very beautiful experience and an example that dying can be as joyful as the birth of a child.

Since his departure on April 22, 2015 his wife Nanea keeps finding little notes that he tucked in different places. This note was found in a jacket pocket of Vic’s on the evening before his memorial.

“I cannot be separated from this or from you. Our many hearts have only a single beat.”

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06/20/16 01:49 PM #1    

Tom Dunlap

Good by  Victor .  Hope to see you again.


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