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03/07/08 02:32 PM #5    

Nathan Page

Kyle.....I think so, but my gosh not to make you feel "old" or anything......but it HAS been 20 years........LOL


03/07/08 04:19 PM #6    

Kim McCoy (Donner)

Hi all,

Thanks so much Nathan. This is so great. I have been wondering about the reunion etc.

I was so sad to hear about the people who have passed in the last few years. Does anyone know what happened to Shane? Man, Life is too short.

Looking forward to catching up with everyone.


Thanks for the update Nathan. So sorry to hear...

03/12/08 11:47 AM #7    

Nathan Page

For those who might not be aware, I am going to add a little here about how each of our 5 classmates passed away.

Margaret Cole-Todd - Killed in a car accident in Chandler
Laren Pitts - Passed away after long terminal illness
Shane Woodell - Died as the result of a brain anuryism
Tamara Attaway and Michelle Jackson - Killed in car accident on I-20

That's all the information that I have at this time. If anyone has an obituary or news story on Tamara, Michelle or Laren can you please send it to me so I can get it posted on the In Memory page for everyone?

Thanks --

03/12/08 04:41 PM #8    

Tammy Williams (Scates)

Thanks Nathan for getting this together! Its really cool.
I hated to hear about those we have lost, but yet I am glad there was not more than what is listed.
I can't believe its been 20 years since High School, where has the time flown!!!!
Looking forward to July!

03/19/08 11:36 PM #9    

Renee Underwood (Wiley)

if anyone has a membersip to classmates...i posted another message about the reunion but if someone else wants to message some that would be good too...

03/23/08 11:24 AM #10    

Ami Jackson (Green)

Hey Nathan! Thank you for putting this together! You've done a wonderful job. Give Tanna and the babies a hug for me.

Hello to everyone else! Hope all is well with everyone!

Be safe and will hopefully see you at the reunion.

Take care,

04/12/08 12:19 AM #11    

Clay McKinnie

Thank you Nathan for taking the lead on this. I just got on board today. I was really shocked by the obituaries. I had no idea. It makes me remember John Spears who was killed in a car wreck around our junior year. I guess the numbers just catch up with you.

My family will be at the renuion. Count us in. Is there any chance you can work a golf tourney in to the extraganza? I would be careful of Jeff Shrode as he has been a member there for many years.

I look forward to seeing everyone.


05/11/08 08:58 PM #12    

Nathan Page

What an AWESOME day!!!!!! I heard from Andy Pitts (Laren's mom) Please see the In Memory page to read her e-mail to the class!!!!! Can't wait to see everyone........


07/07/08 01:07 PM #13    

Melody Hale (Bierwirth)

Will this site remain up, even after the reunion?

It would be nice, for those of us unable to attend, to see pics with captions from the reunion. It would be almost like being there.

Just a thought,

Melody (Hale) Bierwirth

07/07/08 02:53 PM #14    

Beth Turner (Price)

if nothing else, we will post a link to pictures from site... but I think this site will remain for a while so that you can get everyone's contact information.

07/08/08 07:52 PM #15    

Nathan Page

This site will remain up here indefinitely, and assuming that no one changes their e-mail address and doesn't update it here, then you'll always be able to get in touch with them.........I didn't plan on this site being used for just our hopefully everyone stays active!!!!!!!!


07/09/08 10:58 AM #16    

Jeff Tapp

Thanks for doing this!
I will be attending Saturday night. It's amazing that it's really been 20 years, we're.. dare I say, getting old!

07/13/08 11:11 PM #17    

Tenton Mosley

Hi everyone. Nathan, this site is great. It will allow me to see and talk to old friends that I've wondered where they were and what they were doing. I hate I missed the reunion. I had a prior engagement in New York City for my clothing line that I could not cancel so I could not make it. I would love to hear from everyone. Send me a message or call me @ 903-372-1409. Hope there are pics up soon and please keep this site up and running.

07/14/08 10:55 PM #18    

Ami Jackson (Green)

Hey guys!

It was so great to see all of you Saturday! I hope everyone made it home safely!

Take care,

07/15/08 10:09 AM #19    

Tammy Williams (Scates)

So wishing I could have been at the reunion, I was sure thinking of you guys! Please post pictures as you can, would love to see them! And I am glad the site will be up for a while.
Take care,

07/15/08 10:44 AM #20    

Kyle Casey

I wanted to say "Thank You" to all who were involved in putting this together. I know that there were alot of people who put in alot of work. My wife and I had a wonderful time. It was really good seeing everyone who came. Hopefully everyone will keep updating this web site. Take care of yourselves.


07/16/08 05:55 PM #21    

Kim McCoy (Donner)

Hi Everybody,

I put some pics I took out on the photobucket. I hope I didn't mess anything up! HA!

It's great to know that you all are still as fabulous as when we were in school. I think I appreciate it more now! :) I really enjoyed seeing each and every one of you. The smile of an old friend is priceless, and can help put things into perspective.

Ok I will shut up!

Chair Ladies Ya'll ROCK!! Thanks for a great time!

07/16/08 07:54 PM #22    

Terri Corley (Bryant)

What an awesome night. I only wish there were more people there to see. It was great!!! Let's do a 25 year. I think maybe with this website we could get a better turnout and have an even better time. Thanks to all who did all of the hard work- it was worth it to us and appreciated!

07/16/08 11:16 PM #23    

Stacy Dinger (Gregory)

It was wonderful seeing everyone at the reunion and has been great to catch up with those unable to attend thru this website. Everyone looks great! I have incredible memories from our high school years and it is satisfying to see how well everyone is doing! I hope that we are able to keep in touch and I look forward to our next reunion!

07/17/08 07:36 AM #24    

Kim McCoy (Donner)

For those wondering were my pics were...they are out in the black hole somewhere! I re uploaded them this morning yall enjoy!

07/17/08 09:17 AM #25    

Melanie Kinsel (Leach)

I agree with everyone, what a great night! It was so nice seeing each and every one of you! I am willing to help out on a 25 year reunion!
Oh, Wendy, my mom remembers the cake!!!!
Lots of Love,

07/17/08 09:39 AM #26    

Troy Bedinghaus

I couldn't help but put my two cents in - the reunion was wonderful and I was so excited to see everyone! It went by so fast that I was very sad when it was over. I did not get to visit with everyone there like I really wanted to. I think it would be great to maintain this site so that when people move we can update addresses, etc. I bet our 30th reunion we be very well attended because of this site and the work Nathan has done on it. See you!

07/17/08 11:17 AM #27    

Traci Phillips (Cox)

Unfortunately, I did not get to attend the reunion. I have really enjoyed this site and finding out about everybody. For those that are posting pictures, it would really be great if you could say who is in them. Some people I recognize but not others. Thanks for sharing!

07/18/08 08:19 AM #28    

Melody Hale (Bierwirth)

This is my vote for a 25th reunion! I had every intention of attending, until the date changed and conflicted with a prior engagement.

I don't want to have to wait ten more years to see everyone in person!


02/14/13 12:36 AM #29    

Terri Corley (Bryant)

Well I don't see any volunteers!!!!!

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