In Memory

Vic W. Badway

The son of Victor W. Badway Sr and Mary A. Badway of Wichita KS, Victor Jr. enlisted in the US Marine Corps on January 24, 1969. He arrived in Vietnam and was assigned for duty with Company L, 3d Battalion, 3rd Marines on August 13, 1969, and shortly thereafter he was re assigned for duty with Company L, 3d Battalion, 7th Marines, 1st MARDIV (Rein) FMF. While in his Company defensive position, Lcpl. Badway was wounded by incoming enemy sniper fire. Evacuated to NSA Station Hospital in Da Nang he died of his wounds as a result of the hostile small arms fire.
Lcpl. Badway Jr. received a posthumous award of the Bronze Star Medal with combat "V" "For heroic achievement with combat operations ...on 17 September 1969., while serving as a Rifleman with Company L, 3d Battalion, 3d Marines, 3d MARDIV (Rein) FMF" ....

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08/08/18 09:57 PM #1    

Mike Moreno (Class Of 1966)

I met Vic back in 1966.....most friendiest guy that I have ever met with a great smile. He always pleasure to talk to. Was not aware of his demise in Veitnam, until my return from the same place years later. I have located his grave site 5 years ago....visit the location every Memorial Day.  

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