Katrina Townley Jones

Profile Updated: January 8, 2011
Residing In: Windber, PA USA
Occupation: Mom of 4 boys
Children: John Wesley (15 y/o) born: 1995
William Michael (14 y/o) born: 1996
Ryan Anthony (12 y/o) born: More…1998
Thomas Eugene (11 y/o) born: 1999
Yes! Attending Reunion

Well since 1990 so much has happened in my life that it's hard to put a lot of it in here. I was working at Nupro Company in Willoughby for a little over 8 years. I had got married in 1995 and divorced in 2001. Since then I have been raising my 4 boys on my own here in the state of confusion! Okay just kidding; I moved to Pa after my divorce to get a fresh start on life for my and my boys. I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and Massive Degenerative Disc Disease back in 2006.

My kids are my life and I have built my life around them. Times that I really miss Ohio but yet more times; I am very glad to have got out of there. There is two things that I regret leaving Ohio for; first is that I left my family back there and secondly I lost touch with a lot of friends that I should have and would love to have stayed in contact with.

I lost my mom last year. RIP Mom (June 8, 2009) I swear one of the hardest things in the world to go through. During that time I had moved to Virginia cause that's where my brother and I moved my dad to for he would be closer for us to "take care" of. Since then, I moved back to Pa cause my kids just wanted to go home.

So that leaves us to even more recent. I have found a lot of my high school friends via facebook and I am forever grateful. A big part of the life that I had lost has been found again.

I am a avid STEELERS and Penguins fan. Even when I was living in Ohio I loved the Steelers. I am big into NASCAR.

I have 25 tattoos which include both my arms being half sleeved from wrist to elbow, a complete back piece and Dale Earnhardt Jr and Sr's portraits tattooed on my right leg and my boys names in my Harley Davidson tattoo on my left leg.

I have missed you all and I hope that all is going great with you and look forward to seeing you at the reunion.

School Story:

My favorite thing about high school was not only graduation but the times that me, Jenny Serwatka and Michelle Maurins all had together. We were sort of our own elite! I miss them times.

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Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 1:06 AM
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 1:06 AM