Missing Classmates

If you know where these Classmates are please share our web address with them:
If you know the email address for any Classmate below you can click on the Classmate's name to quickly send an email invitation to our site.

Lisa Adams
Felicia Atkins
Debbie Ballou
Michele Brierly
Tim Davies
Teresa DeFosse
Susan Dvorak
Kevin Ellsworth
Brian Ford
Duane Fowler
Shelley Grunder
Diane Gust
Doug Harris
Allen Holladay
Julie Howard
Kristin Howard
Julie Kamm
Jessica Kemper
Dean Kraft
Doug Kraklio
Todd Lincoln
Brett Maxwell
Jayne McBride
Darrel Monk
Gara Motofuji
Lori Mullens
Doug Nolte
Debra Oehler
Carol Ovesen
Lisa Palmer (Hunter)
Kelli Pedersen (Sanders)
Greg Peeters
Todd Peirce
Joyce Poor
Wes Proctor
Jennifer Scheecloth
Tim Simpson
Susan Sterett
Rosaline Stoelk (Gajeski)
Dawn Vitek
Debora Watkins (Hartman)
Doug Yates
