Classmate Profiles (1961)

     Contains profile information: 17
     Profile contains photos: 8
     Military Service: 3
   Restricted to Classmates only


Show by:    A-Z    Last Updated: 17    Newest Members: 17    Latest Comments: 9  

Lynn Adair (Lindsay)    
Wanda Batke (Silver)    
Jean Bruce (Johnston)   
Elizabeth Day (Abbott)   
Dennis & Bonnie Duff   
Ruth Harrison (Slater)  
Mary MacPherson (McIntyre)   
Beth & Terry Montgomery (MacDonald)   
Jan Moore (Countess)  
Bob Musselman   
Peter Nind     
Dick & Judy O'Callaghan    
Sharon Parmeter (Andersen)   
Ingrid & Richard Stahl (Krenz)  
Jane & Bill Tebbs (Bondy)    
Betty Thomas (Parmeter)    
Ann Tofflemire    
Doug Topliffe  
Harry Woodend   
Eileen Wright (Clark)   

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