Classmate Profiles (1969)

     Contains profile information: 27
     Profile contains photos: 3
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Show by:    A-Z    Last Updated: 27    Newest Members: 27    Latest Comments: 6  

Janet Barlow (Mosley)   
Wendy Barron (Barron-Ford)   
Gia Bernhardt (Kramer)  
Linda Bielecki (Jamotte)  
Janis Brick (Snider)   
Roy Conliffe   
Doug Dennison   
Steve Freeman (Freeman)   
Tim Hartley   
Harry Ernest (Ernie) Hend…    
Susan Hines (Lester)   
Paul Hoba (Hoba)   
Heather Jacob (Debevc)   
Pam Labute   
Anne McGregor   
Pamela McIntosh (Champagne)   
Patricia McIntosh (Nisbet)   
Karen O'Toole (Deane)   
Nancy Pickering (Ruch)   
Debbie Richard (Neill)   
Kathie Schwartzentruber (Me…)    
Steve Sharron   
Rose Thrasher (Barlow)   
Tamela Topolie   
Audrey Tressam (Munt)   
Mike Weatherup (Wetherup)   
Linda White (Schooley)   
George Wiseman   

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