Marilyn & Al Arseneault Lyman

Profile Updated: January 27, 2011
Class Year: 1955
Residing In: Windsor, ON Canada
Spouse/Partner: Al Arseneault
Occupation: Retired
Children: Alan born June 3, 1962 Andrew born June 11, 1971
Yes! Attending Reunion

I was a secretary, a mom and now the most fun of all - a Grandma. I have 5 great (as in wonderful) grand kids to have a ball with. Spend lots of time biking with the little ones and enjoying Riverside's beautiful trails. I'm a "Kid" all over again. I have been a member of Riverlights Harmony Chorus (Sweet Adelines) for the past 8 years and we have a great time singing four part harmony. Marg. Spence(Barnes) and her sister Kay are part of the group which meets every Wed. at Riverside United Church. I always had a longing to be a Sweet Adeline and thanks to Marg. my wish came true.

School Story:

I loved all my days at Edith Cavell and Riverside High. Have so many memories of time with Joan Luckbaker and Pat Pickering. The following is copied from an article in the Black and Gold sometime during yr. '50-'51 titled "A Day at R.H.S."
"Early in the DAY Veikko drives up in his
AUT(i)O saying to his passengers, "Don't be in suSPENCE. We WILSON (will soon) be PARKIN' SON. Sirrka says, "Don't TEIRNEY (tear any) fenders off!"
Inside the school, it's a RIDDELL how anyone can hear himSELF think. The KAUS of this is a discussion by the girls of a certain man's CHEV,ER SON. Bob rings the bell and it's VARAH quiet as we have our short SERVICE.
"COSH!" exclaims somebody, "Ill have to HUNT for my GRAY physics book or my goose is COOKed.
We study the LAID LAWs of motion, and then
TAG(ue) along to French class. Miss Hutchison says, "Repetez, 'LE CLAIR ouest lac' which means 'the clear WESTLAKE'. Witty Bob Osborne claims "I'd rather go EAST MAN!" Our quiet teacher throws a BRUSH which hits the WALL ACE though it were STEEL. "EVANS she's got a temper, eh whot?" "Now be a GOOD MAN", she warns.
It's lunchtime. What LUCK, the BAKER put in a BAR. As we gaze out the window over the HILLS, we see Grade 9 still trying to get rid of the "thing". "Here's a HOL(e) DITCH it here!" I think we should LYNCH the guy who wrote that song.
The DAY progresses FAIRLEY quickly as a
HU(i)SH descends at the sound of the second bell.
We ALL ENgage in more studying until 3:30, when we don our WHITE SCARFE and PAE our regards to the afternoon.
We say farewell to the school for to-DAY as we begin to HUM,PHREY(free) from care till tomorrow.

I would be so happy if the author of this great piece would let us know who wrote it!!! Perhaps it was a group effort.

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Jan 16, 2016 at 4:33 PM

So very sorry to learn of Bill's passing.  He was a fun friend during those High School days!  My condolances to the family.     Marilyn Joy (Lyman) Arseneault.


Nov 16, 2015 at 11:26 PM
Jun 26, 2015 at 4:34 AM
Marilyn & Al Arseneault Lyman posted a message. New comment added.
Apr 29, 2014 at 2:37 PM

Posted on: Apr 27, 2014 at 2:19 PM

Hey John - you old dog - you are having a Birthday. I just discovered that you are much older than I ----Ha, Ha. I was born in June, 1936. Have a very happy birthday John and many, many more!!!
Luv, Marilyn Joy
