In Memoriam

Calista Landfield

Received from Polly Ross:

Deceased Classmate: Calista Landfield
Date Deceased: February-2001
Age at Death: 48
Cause of Death: cancer
Classmate City: Hanalei
Classmate State: HI
Classmate Country: USA
Survived By: Husband Bill Tuite

Cally (Landfield) lived in Aspen, Colorado from the late 1970's until around 2000, when she moved to Kauai with her (2nd) husband, Bill Tuite. She was a successful lawyer who also enjoyed skiing, both downhill and cross-country, biking, horseback riding, traveling, and hiking with her Border Collie-mix dogs. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in the late 1980's, and fought the disease valiantly for 13 years, traveling around the world in search of alternative treatments. She really lived life to its fullest and had many friends in Aspen, where she is missed and thought of often. Even though we didn't really know each other at New Trier, Cally and I became very close friends when reunited in Aspen in the late 70's. For the next 2+ decades we had many good times and adventures together.

 Cally on a beautiful ride near Aspen, Fall 1987
                  Cally on the far right (with Polly Ross far left) on New Year's Eve 1988
                          Cally on the Rio Grande Trail (near Aspen) with her dog Kea, Fall 1987

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04/24/10 05:59 PM #1    

Charles E. Frank

Cally was a good friend both during high school and till she died.  I visited her in Aspen and we kept in touch after that.  i miss her and think of her often.  she had a special lust for life and never gave up hope or got down due to her cancer.


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