From the 40th

We held a New Trier East 40-Year Reunion on Saturday, October 12, 2013. (New Trier West had a separate reunion on August 10, 2013, with its own website.)

The reunion was a smashing success!

Check out the Reunion Photo Galleries HERE! And the Facebook page HERE.

Who came?  WE did! Click HERE to view a high-res copy of the official group photo, HERE for a photo with a numbered key (albeit incomplete) thereto, and HERE for the key.

". . . friends come and go, but for the precious few you should hold on. Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and lifestyle because the older you get, the more you need the people you knew when you were young."

 - Baz Luhrman (as aptly quoted by Kim Rempert Hoberg)

The first instalment of candid photos from the Saturday Reception has been uploaded, and can be viewed HERE. Photos from the All-Star Jam can be viewed HERE. Need to hear a song of farewell, a hauntingly beautiful one sung in Swahili? Check out Anastasia's Song at the bottom of the Pursley Breakout Reunion Page, HERE.

If you have photos of the event email them to and we will ensure that they are added to this site.


Click HERE to see a list of WHO CAME! 

To view a Facebook Page for the 40th Reunion set up by some NTE grads click HERE.

The NEW TRIER ALL-STAR JAM went forward on Friday October 11, 2013 and was, as expected, an unforgetable musical event.  For details, click HERE. Beth Jonquil was just one of the All-Star performers!




Here is a very kind message received from Maura Donohue:

Kent -

Not going to make it to the Reunion so I thought I would send a toast to the fun!

- Maura