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Forum: LIve Music for the 40th Reunion Bash


Who Do We Want to Provide Music?

Created on: 02/03/13 02:27 PM Views: 5940 Replies: 16
Who Do We Want to Provide Music?
Posted Sunday, February 3, 2013 02:27 PM

I have received a number of suggestions about the best choice for musical entertainment for the 40th Reunion.

Rather than repeat them here, I suggest that Users post their thoughts and suggestions, so that everyone can participate in that decision.

As for me, my preference would be Muddy Waters, if he is still playing, and we could afford him.  He played at the NTE Graduation Dance in 1973 . . . It would be a hoot to see him again, 40 years later.

Kent Maynard, Jr.

RE: Who Do We Want to Provide Music?
Posted Sunday, February 3, 2013 07:01 PM

The Stones.

RE: Who Do We Want to Provide Music?
Posted Wednesday, February 6, 2013 10:55 AM

well, there is a local band, The New Younger Brothers...the drummer is a NTW'73 graduate (Dave Harris)

RE: Who Do We Want to Provide Music?
Posted Thursday, February 7, 2013 11:43 AM

Unfortunately, Muddy Waters passed away back in 1983. "The Mud" was a mentor to one of the greatest blues musicians in the world today, Buddy Guy, who just so happens to live in the Chicago area. He also owns a great blues club down on Wabash Avenue (here's the link):

I think it would be a great bit of symmetry to have Buddy (76 years old, and one of Muddy's most ardent supporters) play the NTE 40th reunion. 

RE: Who Do We Want to Provide Music?
Posted Friday, February 8, 2013 06:36 AM

If we can't get The Who, Led Zeppelin, or The Stones, I'd go with Buddy Guy.

RE: Who Do We Want to Provide Music?
Posted Friday, February 8, 2013 06:38 AM

Sorry, Muddy is no longer with us.

RE: Who Do We Want to Provide Music?
Posted Friday, February 8, 2013 10:06 AM

If our budget doesn't cover hiring a "name" act, I could check out the availability of Kevin Purcell and The Nightburners or Tabasco Sound Kitchen (both excellent local blues bands) or Mike Flynn's Crash Landing (spot on covers of tunes from back in our day)...

RE: Who Do We Want to Provide Music?
Posted Monday, February 11, 2013 01:15 AM

Just get a deejay to play the music that was popular during our high school years. 

I would be attending the reunion to see and talk to old friends I haven't seen in years, not to see some band.  Watching a bunch of people pushing sixty "getting down" dancing would just be sad.

RE: Who Do We Want to Provide Music?
Posted Monday, February 11, 2013 08:55 AM

Speak for yourself, Jeff.

RE: Who Do We Want to Provide Music?
Posted Saturday, February 23, 2013 02:59 PM

I am posting this for Steven D. Hausheer who had some technical difficulties:

I represent several entertainers, Corky Siegel and Siegel-Schwall might be an ideal fit ( Cork played with Muddy Waters back in the da, btwy. He's in a new movie coming out at SXSW, titled "Born In Chicago." And I talked with him about it today and he'd like the chance.
There's been talk of rounding up musician classmates and alums, I'm connected with many, and a "New Trier Legends Band" could be formed.

And, taking liberty for shameless self-promotion, my band, Bitterroot Band ( would love to play - we're on two tours this spring, competing in America's Got Talent, and have been building in Chicago (we won the Underground WonderBar 2012 Talent Search). All original, gritty blues turned pop rock.

Kent Maynard, Jr.

RE: Who Do We Want to Provide Music?
Posted Saturday, February 23, 2013 10:20 PM

I suggest Vince Vance and the Valiants.  They performed the NTW 1973 prom.  Vince's website is here:

The form for bookings is here:

They put on a great show, with music from the 50's through today.




RE: Who Do We Want to Provide Music?
Posted Sunday, February 24, 2013 09:41 AM

The "budget" is now a moving target.  I will try to do some math to back into a number that we can work with.  The variables are:   how many people sign up, how much they each pay, and the other costs that must be paid out of the "price of admission" -- i.e., the venue, food, and drinks.  We should perhaps set a "price" per person and then see how many people agree to come, and pre-pay . .  then we use that as our war chest to buy the best talent we can.

What is a reasonable price per person?  Is $100 too much?  Too little?  The more we charge per head and the less we pay for food etc the more we can pay for musical entertainment.

Kent Maynard, Jr.

RE: Who Do We Want to Provide Music? Buddy Guy
Posted Sunday, February 24, 2013 09:56 AM

I listen to Damn Right I've Got the Blues (from my head down to my shoes) by Buddy Guy all the time.

I used to go see Buddy Guy play at the Checkerboard when Smargon and I were undergrads at the U of C.

And after all, what is more Chicago than the blues?

So I think David Orr's suggestion about Buddy Guy makes a lot of sense.

Does anyone (Dave?) want to reach out to BG and find out a) if he COULD do our party and b) what it would cost?

This is WITHOUT prejudice to other possibilities suggested or the possibility of MULTIPLE performers but if BG is NOT an option (because he is not available on the applicable date) it would help to narrow the field.

Dave? What say you?



Kent Maynard, Jr.

RE: Who Do We Want to Provide Music?
Posted Sunday, February 24, 2013 04:09 PM


It seems the first hurdle is the "how many" part. The last I checked, we had 180 on the fb site - assume each of those brings one guest, we have 360 people. Now, I've been told that there were 944 in the class of '73 at NTE alone, that times two is 1888. Huge difference in possible budget. Thus, we might want to wait a little while (we've got 7 months) before making any firm plans re. food, drink, entertainment, etc.

Thus far, you hold the only firm number, and that is the price for the venue. I won't ask for that number as of yet, but I would like to the number of the maximum capacity of the room (as our numbers hopefully grow, this will effect entertainment,etc.)



RE: Who Do We Want to Provide Music?
Posted Sunday, February 24, 2013 04:13 PM


I can contact Buddy's management, and check both his schedule and possible price.


RE: Who Do We Want to Provide Music?
Posted Sunday, February 24, 2013 04:49 PM

that would be great


Kent Maynard, Jr.

RE: Who Do We Want to Provide Music?
Posted Wednesday, February 27, 2013 07:51 AM

Here is my two cents worth on a band versus DJ here.  In my experience with various reunions, a band can sometimes backfire a bit - they can be too loud, not that great, or (what usually happens) just don't play the right songs.  I'm sure we can get a great band, but perhaps a DJ would be less money - and you can firmly suggest a play list.  (I was curious and looked on line - in 1972, for example, we had "Superstition", "Papa was a Rollin' Stone", "Smoke on the Water", "Lean on Me", "Heart of Gold", "I'll Take You There", "Take It Easy"... can you believe we're that OLD?)  Anyway, even though I don't even know if I'll be able to fly in and make the reunion, this could be a way to combine cutting costs and promoting the "feel" of when we were young and carefree... for what it's worth.

--Joan Straub (Pifer)

Kent Maynard, Jr.

