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Forum: Class Gift?


Do We Want to Give Something Back?

Created on: 02/23/13 03:32 PM Views: 1765 Replies: 2
Do We Want to Give Something Back?
Posted Saturday, February 23, 2013 03:32 PM

Perhaps a committee could be formed to begin thinking about what, if anything, we may like to give to NT on the occasion of the 40th.

Or we could perhaps donate some money to fund a modest scholarship to a deserving student who needs financial assistance for college.


Kent Maynard, Jr.

RE: Do We Want to Give Something Back?
Posted Saturday, February 23, 2013 07:26 PM

0ne thing that is done every year Indiana vs Purdue is a blood drive.  we can set it up and challenge the class of '73 NTW.  another "charity" i know of is thru my chiropracter in glencoe (the husband of Marka heller - NTW 74) they have been collecting baseball equipment and sending it to countries like africa, russia (just added) and i think costa rico or one of those countries.  they also need donations to cover shipping.  someone i know of, and wayne fetman (NTW 73) has an organization that is promoting peace in the middle east with music.  donations of instruments and the shipping oversees is what they ask for.

RE: Do We Want to Give Something Back?
Posted Friday, July 14, 2023 12:19 PM

I probably overlooked chatter about this, but can someone tell me if we have a CLASS GIFT in the works for the 50th?

I can't remember what we did at the 40th.

Of course, there is still time to get something if we haven't done that already.

Regards to all,


Kent Maynard, Jr.