Susan Gross Rozelle

Profile Updated: May 14, 2021
Susan Gross
Residing In: St. Petersburg, FL
Spouse/Partner: Paul Rozelle (LHHS '90)
Email Address:
Occupation: law professor
Children: Sally, born 2008
Joe, born 2010
Yes! Attending Reunion
Favorite Lake Howell HS Memory:

In the parking lot one day my junior year, telling Jodi Maternowski (now Vittori, LHHS '90) about Paul, and confiding with 16-year-old earnestness: "I think I love him."

What have you been doing for the last 30 years?:

Been married to Paul since 1994. We both got JDs from Duke in '99, then moved to Boston, MA. Next stops: Columbus, OH; Seattle, WA; Eugene, OR; back to Columbus; and finally settled in St. Petersburg, FL in 2009. When we aren't working or raising our (smart, kind, and completely objectively cute) kids, we're probably enjoying a bike ride.

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May 14, 2021 at 1:40 PM
