Paula Tutein

Profile Updated: March 17, 2020
Paula Tutein
Residing In: Hawthorne, NJ USA
Occupation: Life and EFT (Tapping) Coach
Military Service: US Coast Guard  
Yes! Attending Reunion

I live in New Jersey and enjoy both the "hills" around me, many places in NJ, and New York City.

Here are some of the other things I've been involved in. I have been a member and President of the Friends of the Library in my town. I attended Mentor training and mentored an at-risk teenager. I have a few good friends and many acquaintances. I love the outdoors. I get much more excited by catching sight of a bird that I’ve never seen before, watching turtles sunning themselves, watching water flow down a stream, or catching a glimpse of a raccoon sleeping in a tree than going shopping or getting together with a big group of people.

Am on LinkedIn and Facebook if anyone is interested in connecting.

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May 25, 2016 at 1:11 PM
