Missing Classmates

If you are are in contact with any classmate listed here, please notify them of the website and encourage them to update their profile.  We would love to see what s/he has been up to! 

We can also update their contact information for them.  Just send us what you have and we will post it to their profile.  Of course email is the best contact information we can have, but if you have their address or phone number, that will work too. 

For those classmates that we do not have email addresses for, we will be mailing them a postcard to notify them of our reunion.

Thanks for your help!

Patrick Bischoff
Susan Bowen
Scott Bucher
Leslie Christopher Cooper
Guthrie Corwin
Robert Cummings
Eric Richard Davis
Scott French
William Gabriel
Scott Allen Graves
Christine Harris (Pettis)
Katherine Haunty (Jackson)
Scott Hays
Christopher Hoag
Richard Hoppes
J. E. K. Huang
Katherine Hyland
Michael Johnson
Christopher Jones
John Keller
Paul Long
Jeffrey Mason
Kazuhiro Miyano
Sanae Mizusawa
Junko Mori
David Morris
Eri Nakayama
Ngoc Nguyen
Russell Quest
Joe Sanders
Suzanne Schaeffer (Clark)
Carolane Schmeltz
Isabelle Schrobiltgen
Yuki Shimane
Brian Spencer
Akiko Tado
Hirokazu Tanaka
Daniel Toler
Melissa Turner (Wiant)
Dang Vo
James White
Stephen Wilcox
Christopher Williams
Kimberly Wilson (Bray)
Timothy Yancey
Minako Yoneyama

Guest Members

Mary (Bonneau)
Wayne Barry
Holly Bierkortte
Matt Katz
Robby Mason
Rob Mottice
Kate Olson
Shannon Rogers
Kim Shepard
Emiko Shiina (Heil)
Stephanie Webber
Cheryl Williams