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•   Jason Tower  10/19
•   Judith Karn (Flynn)  9/6
•   J. David Barr  7/4
•   Jennifer Page (Tutt)  7/3
•   Cindy Stump (McLain)  7/3
•   Deborah Smith (Abrams)  7/3
•   Nathaniel Beegle  6/27
•   Jennifer Baughman (Kluz)  6/11
•   Heather Timpe (Pinnix)  5/25
•   Jason Smith (Hunter)  4/1
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alabama
2 live in Alaska
14 live in Arizona
35 live in California
27 live in Colorado
4 live in Connecticut
1 lives in District Of Columbia
28 live in Florida
13 live in Georgia
1 lives in Hawaii
1 lives in Idaho
15 live in Illinois
3 live in Indiana
1 lives in Iowa
1 lives in Kansas
2 live in Kentucky
2 live in Louisiana
2 live in Maine
6 live in Maryland
2 live in Massachusetts
10 live in Michigan
6 live in Minnesota
3 live in Missouri
4 live in Nevada
1 lives in New Hampshire
3 live in New Jersey
3 live in New Mexico
10 live in New York
7 live in North Carolina
380 live in Ohio
1 lives in Oklahoma
3 live in Oregon
7 live in Pennsylvania
11 live in South Carolina
7 live in Tennessee
14 live in Texas
1 lives in Utah
1 lives in Vermont
9 live in Virginia
11 live in Washington
7 live in Wisconsin
2 live in Wyoming
2 live in Austria
1 lives in Germany
1 lives in Italy
2 live in Japan
1 lives in Netherlands
1 lives in Sweden
1 lives in Switzerland
1 lives in Taiwan
1 lives in Venezuela
1 lives in Zambia
13 location unknown
28 are deceased


•   Christopher Combs  10/26
•   Scott Colarossi  10/27
•   Stacey Sicilian  10/31
•   Hiroshi (Everett) Shiina (Shiina)  11/1
•   Julie Cross (Peter)  11/3
•   Nicole Hancock (Husband)  11/3
•   Cindy Hanson  11/3
•   Keith Bredemann  11/5
•   Shelly Mobile (Sanders)  11/5
•   Angelika Hedlund  11/6
•   Vicki Johnston  11/6
•   Philip Hollenbach  11/7
•   Bradford Kilbourn  11/7
•   Hope Hartmann (Schrim)  11/8
•   Leslie Dillon  11/9
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Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 69.8%

A:   495   Joined
B:   214   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)

Welcome to our

Worthington High School Class Of 1989

Web Site 


Take a look around and bookmark this website to keep up to date with classmates from the past, learn about our upcoming reunion, and just go down memory lane! 

Take some time to update your profile - let us know what you've been up to for the past 35 years!  Some things you may want to include: what you did after graduation (did you go to college, join the military, just took some time off and explored the world), places that you have lived, places that you have worked, anything about your family, your hobbies and interests, etc...  Be sure to post pictures too (old and new).

Catch up with us on our facebook page, too!

This photo was take by V. Scott Gilmore (Melody Gilmore's Father) in August 1985, the summer before we started High School .  


