In Memory

Lowell Jack Ulrich

Lowell Jack Ulrich

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11/04/18 07:56 AM #1    

Margie Campaigne

I'm sorry to read of Jack's passing. RIP.

Margie Campaigne

11/04/18 11:13 AM #2    

Tim Toohey

I will always have fond memories of Jack.

11/04/18 12:25 PM #3    

Sally Martin (Greco)

Always fond high school memories of Jack. Goofing off and chewing gum in the library, senior prom with our dates, Saturday morning bowling league at Frontier Lanes. RIP

11/05/18 11:18 AM #4    

Blanche Hose (Sheinkopf)

So sorry to read that we have lost another classmate. RIP

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