In Memory

Elliott Thompson -Deceased 2/23/07 VIEW PROFILE

Elliott Thompson -Deceased 2/23/07

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04/08/09 09:24 AM #1    

Jeffrey Wendel

I miss Elliott.
From beach boys to Woodstock, from Lakewood to LSD. The "black jet" & 8Tracks took us many places, always with God's blessing we somehow survived and prospered.
From "what can 1 more hit hurt" to my sobriety (30 years this Oct) I always had fun and strong companionship with Ellie. Eve, Bryce (my eldest), Jeannie-Bryce's now wife and I met Ellie with Kathy (a great lady who loved him dearly) a few years back in Vegas and it was great "smack!"
Miss you Bud.

04/26/09 12:26 PM #2    

Mara Leigh Wisby (Class Of 1963) (Schafer)

OMG.....just found out after reconecting with Ruth Worthley about shock....What a great guy and once the "love of my life". I will always remember the good times, convertible rides down River Road, singing to the Four Tops and that incredible dog of his!!!
Elliott, you are missed.

11/19/13 10:47 PM #3    

Jeffrey Wendel

An update. I think of you often. You're in a great place say hi to Betsy. Miss you.

12/29/13 12:11 PM #4    

David Schoales (Class Of 1965)

ET- what a great guy.  More fun and laughs and thrills than and loyalty than pretty much anyone I ever knew.  I always loved running into him- at the Jug, the Yacht Club, softball team.  Had a few chances to stay with him in the 80's when I was in LA to visit my daughter- still crazy as ever.  His insurance company made him buy a Honda because he kept wrecking the Porsches.  Too good to describe. Too good to replace. Too sad.

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