

A network of Apostolic Churches to restore

the full ministry of Jesus to the

Church and to the World.



1.  The Harvest Center is to be an Apostolic training and revival center that will train and equip believers to become spiritual soldiers, like those in the book of Joel, Chapter 2, to for the army of God.

2.  To raise up five-fold minisers who know their calling and are able to train others.

3. To spread the gospel in many ways, to win th elost, and to train them to be disciples of Jesus Christ.

4. To send out ministers to start churches of apostolic foundation and vision.

5. To strengthen the family relationships thus strengthening the church.

6. Helping women and children fulfill their purpose in ministry.

7. To reach out to the homeless and widows.

8. To build a minstry center to house our church sanctuary, bible training center, recreation center, as well as our TV and radion production center.

9. To go to the nations of the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

10. To train believers in every aspect of the Christian ministry, such as healing, deliverance, preaching, teaching, evangelism and flowing in the Spirit, etc..
