Jamie Kueter

Profile Updated: July 17, 2008
Residing In: Sioux Falls, SD
Homepage: myspace.com/valkyrie80
Occupation: Door Detailer, Starmark Cabinetry
Children: Bah! Can any of you seriously imagine me with kids? Anyway, don't have any. I have cats, which are cleaner More…and they let me sleep at night.
Yes! Attending Reunion

Cliff's Notes Version! Started college at BHSU (Spearfish) in 1998. Found myself, discovered who my real friends were, LOVED living in the Black Hills but got tired of being broke all the time. Ended up graduating from SDSU (Brookings) in 2002, then moved to Omaha, NE. Hated it there, moved back home to Sioux Falls and floated around until I found a job that I really like working at Starmark Cabinetry. I write in my spare time (there's getting to be less and less of that!) and try to keep my myspace page updated so people know what's up with me. Lately I've been on a crusade to live a greener life and try to help make my community a better place to live. I guess I could say officially that I've grown up...but most days I still feel like I'm 18, totally rockin' my Dead Kennedys t-shirt and trying my best to keep up with all the little punk-rock kids.

Pirates are cool.

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Jamie Kueter has a birthday today.
Jan 15, 2020 at 4:33 AM
Jamie Kueter has a birthday today.
Jan 15, 2019 at 4:33 AM
Jamie Kueter has a birthday today.
Jan 15, 2018 at 4:33 AM
Jamie Kueter has a birthday today.
Jan 15, 2017 at 4:33 AM
Jamie Kueter has a birthday today.
Jan 15, 2016 at 4:33 AM
Jamie Kueter has a birthday today.
Jan 15, 2015 at 4:33 AM
Posted: Mar 07, 2014 at 12:00 AM