WOW! Where do I begin. I can't believe that it has been almost 20 years. We are old. As most of you know I did not graduate with you guys. I ended up graduating here in Fallon, but my heart belongs to Spanish Fork Dons. I decided to get married and have a baby instead. The choices we make.?? I wouldn't give my son up for the world. We moved to Fallon in Nov of 1989 and I have been living here ever since. By the time my son was 6 months old we were divorced. I got married to my second husband in Oct of 1990. My husband is a Captain at the Fire Dept in Reno, NV. He is also a firefighter in the Air National Guard and is scheduled to go to Baghdad in January of 09. Now lets go back a little bit. In April of 92 we had a baby girl. We moved into our new house in 2002. That should get you up to date and now, I Have been working in Insurance for the past 10 years, although I did take a little break for a year and a half and worked for an Eye Doctor. I missed the Insurance business so I went back. Now here we are.