Marsha Hoit Oviatt

Profile Updated: September 16, 2010
Marsha Hoit
Residing In: Belmont, CA USA
Spouse/Partner: Nevin Oviatt
Occupation: Retired educational psychologist
Marsha Hoit


Yes! Attending Reunion

Nevin Oviatt, (Woodside, '61) and I have been married 46 years. Nevin was a general contractor and later a television producer/director (mostly at KCSM-TV and PBS). Although I worked for the same school district for 35 years, I seemed to change professions every decade or so. Like many educators I started out teaching the primary grades. Then I changed to reading specialist. After 20 years I took a sabbatical leave to attend Stanford University and where I completed the master's degree program in education. I continued graduate work at Cal State East Bay in the school psychology and counseling obtaining a master's of science. When I returned to my school district, it was a whole new experience. I saw children individually and dealt with students and their families as they faced the challenges of disabilities. It was stressful and satisfying at the same time. And there was no doubt it was meaningful work.

Both Nevin and I are retired now. We have one "problem child," a dog, who is 13 years of age and considers herself Diva Dog. We've traveled the back roads of New Mexico, lived in Paris a month and I've gone to Antarctica with National Geographic. Otherwise, our lives are relatively quiet. We have a small place in the Sierra Foothills that is remote and beautiful, except in summer when it is hot, hot, hot. I'm sort of a Pilates junkie and enjoy interior design. Although we have varied interests, family and friends mean the most to us. We know how fortunate we are to have them in our lives.

I look forward to becoming reacquainted with many of you and hope to assist you at the reunion check-in desk.

School Story:

I remember one night sitting in the bushes in Nick Wolfe's (Carlmont, '59) backyard with Cherri Thompson. We had TP'ed the front and back yards while he was out with his buddies. We thought we'd make Nick's life a little more interesting and Cherri was always up for a bit of mischief. Well, they came home early. We were rolled up into two tight little balls trying not to be discovered. We got away with it and whenever Nick interrogated us we denied it. We "lied like rugs."

I remember going to the junior prom with Bob Browning and dancing the swing. He was a terrific dancer and spun me out. I just kept on going back, back, back until I went right through the circle of kids surrounding us...and not too gracefully as I recall.

I remember pajama parties at Joann Weiler's and Robin Wallace's houses. Cherri Thompson and Pat Barrett (Sequoia, '60) were there, too. Joann has since died from kidney disease, a condition she battled most of her life.

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Marsha Hoit Oviatt has a birthday today.
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