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09/09/12 05:47 AM #91    


Milan Jackson

Anne Gibson sent this request.  She is Dale Jaspers' daughter.


Dale was my father just trying to find out any stories or pictures that my be out there. Thank you

09/11/12 05:11 PM #92    


Dan Shickle

Milan,  I posted a couple of pictures from Irving School from 1956 and I believe Dale Jaspers is included in them.   

09/13/12 09:08 PM #93    


Milan Jackson

We now have reservations for 99 people and more are still coming in. This counts spouses and guests. Good job.

09/18/12 04:57 PM #94    


George King

Thanks Milan, George R. King

09/21/12 08:00 PM #95    


Richard Center

50 years ago (1962): Bloomington had a dominating team victory in the Normal Community District Wrestling Tournament with five individual champs: Cary Franks (127), Henry Schlenker (138), Denny Center (154), Bryan Olofson (180) and Jay Hilton (hwt).



09/22/12 10:02 PM #96    


Patti Perry (Daubs)

Thanks, Milan, and all the other people who have worked on the reunion. You have done a great job finding and contacting people. I am looking forward to the weekend. Patti Perry Daubs

09/24/12 10:44 PM #97    


Richard Center

I have always been proud of my classmates. All very bright people.. Most had higher degrees. Most had compassion for others .

Love ya all

09/24/12 10:48 PM #98    


Richard Center

Was just wondering why Bryon Olafson wasnt liked or Jeannie Shafer? dont see them

09/24/12 10:49 PM #99    


Richard Center

Damn I didnt mean wasnt like i meant wasnt listed LMAO

09/25/12 10:30 AM #100    


Milan Jackson

Is this our Kathy Scheffert?

09/26/12 07:34 PM #101    


Richard Center

Masahide Matsuoka

 I am not totally sure, but I thought doing online reseach that there was something about him in Japanese that he had died in the Tsunami.... I could be wrong so if you have better info please inform me.

09/26/12 07:54 PM #102    


Milan Jackson

I have found that a Masahide Matsuoka died but I couldn't get any other info on him to see if it was our Mat. 


I haven't seen anything on him since he was a bureau chief in Wash. DC.

09/26/12 08:42 PM #103    


Milan Jackson

118 classmates and guests have signed up for the reunion.  I know of more who are planning to attend. Please get your reservations is ASAP. We are approaching the deadline. Let us know if there is a problem.

10/04/12 09:37 PM #104    


Milan Jackson

Latest count is 126 classmates and guests for the reunion. :)

10/06/12 08:31 PM #105    


Milan Jackson

Message from Steve Brienen:


Just wanted to say thanks to all who sent birthday wishes.
Each year that goes by seems to go faster and that stupid light gets closer.LOL
Also, would like to thank you for the prayers and notes about my cancer comming back. Just finished 15 radiation treatments and will start on the chemo Monday morning. Prognosis is still good however. One would think that after 4 times since 89 enough would be enough but apparently no such luck.

But on to more cheerful things. Really looking forward to seeing friends from class again and making new friends we never had chance to make friends with at the time.
See you there~!!!

10/11/12 02:27 PM #106    


Milan Jackson

The latest count for Saturday is 126.

10/12/12 11:42 AM #107    


Milan Jackson

Today is the beginning of the 50th Reunion. Have fun with it. Whatever you do, don't be a wallflower. Renew friendships and they will be lasting. This is your big chance.


Go you Raiders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10/13/12 05:23 AM #108    


Milan Jackson

The food will be out there again today so there is something to snack on. This is much how we plan to do the Class of 63. I hope it all works out. Of course ours might not have as much Beer Nuts. :)


10/13/12 10:53 PM #109    


Milan Jackson

I went to the reunion tonight and I have to say I was treated as one of your own. I couldn't count the number of people who came up to me to talk about what we have here. I want to thank each and every one of you. You sure made me feel special.

Go you Raiders!!!!!!!!!!

10/14/12 04:43 PM #110    


Barbara Kincaid (Menken)

I just wanted to say what a great reunion we had!  It was so much fun to catch up with people, especially some you hadn't seen since graduation.  I would like to say Thank-you to the committee, they did a fantastic job.  I'm hoping we can have mini-renuions or get togethers in the near future.  Thanks again.

10/14/12 05:33 PM #111    


Milan Jackson

There has been some talk about mini-gatherings. Who is interested?

10/14/12 07:20 PM #112    


Earl Hargis

Although I was unable to attend the 50th class reunion I just want to say thank you to all who worked so hard to get us together even via mail. This web site is a wonderful way for us to stay in contact. Not sure who is responsible for this site but way to go!

10/15/12 08:43 AM #113    

Carol Jaske (Drake)

Just wanted to say it was great seeing everyone this weekend and for those in town.. we are thinking about having a breakfast or lunch get together on regular basis
Please let us know if you are interested.

10/15/12 09:45 AM #114    


Milan Jackson

The Class of 1963 has a Wednesday Morning Breakfast every week. It started out to be just two guys. They invited a few more. Through the website, more were invited. We have between 8 and 35 for breakfast. The good thing is if you are living in California and in town on a Wednesday, come on out. That happened a couple of weeks ago. Betty Nutt who lives in California was in town visiting and came to our breakfast. Most of us didn't know she was here. It has happened with two different classmates from Arizona, two from California, one from Massachusetts, two from Florida and many other times. It has brought us closer as a group. It can be done. I think monthly can be even better. Just pick a location where you can sit and chat for as long as you like.

10/16/12 09:18 AM #115    

Connie Fox (Riebe)

I would be very interested in a get together lunch dinner or otherwise just let me know time and where. I really enjoyed being with all of you at the reunion it showed me how much we were one in the spirit of our school.  I love ya all.  connie (fox) riebe

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