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Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Welcome to the Washington High Class Of 1967 web site. We have had 36,499 visits so far!


I’ve read too many times that a classmate has been trying to find another classmate they were friends with in school only to read later that they had passed. We are offering a new service to help you!

Contact me if you have been unable to connect with a classmate. If I have information about that classmate I will contact them for you and let them know you are trying to reach out to them. They can then choose whether to contact you or tell me that it would be okay for me to give you their contact information.

Call me or email me if you need this service. I will get back to you ASAP.

Chuck Karr       801-913-4797

Arthur and Garfield Elementary schools are closing and merging into a school yet to be built. Read about this and other school board business in the Gazette article here. As of June 10, 2024 the buildings are to be sold.

A searchable archive of all Cedar Rapids Gazettes issues is now available. See what they wrote about people you know! Visit

Check out the Let's Talk link at the left end of the menu bar. It lets you see what's being discussed and join in.

If you lose your email due to retirement please let us know about your new email. We will need to change your primary email in the website. That will be your login ID as well.

Hi folks! Please, when you update your personal information, do NOT remove your phone numbers or mailing addresses. That information can only be seen by the two web administrators. Please update them if they have changed. We have worked very hard to obtain those over the years. We need that information as an alternative way of contacting you should your email for some reason fail or start bouncing back to us. We then call you to make sure you still have a current email address and maybe have just forgotten to update the web site. In one case it lead us to discover another Warrior had fallen.

Our preferred way of contacting you is via email.
When you update your information you have many options. You can allow to be seen what you wish that others may see with the exception of your phone number, email address and mailing address. Those cannot be shared!

You may send a BLIND email to a classmate if they have already logged on. It is their choice as to whether they reply or not.

Help us stay in touch with you!

Thank You!