Barbara Jones Courtney

Profile Updated: June 5, 2017
Barbara Jones
Residing In: West Islip, NY USA
Occupation: Registered Nurse
How many children? Michael Brennan, 16
Erin Kendall, 14
Stephen Caelon, 12
Yes! Attending Reunion
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Met and married a New York City police officer (and no, we did not meet in a professional capacity); have three wonderful kids, two boys and a girl. The oldest boy, 16, plays high school football -- remember all those great Friday nights at the football games? The girl, 14, has been playing soccer for the past seven years and makes a great goalie. The youngest, 12, plays cello and sings in the local middle school vocal ensemble and has performed in every school play since kindergarten. My husband retired from the police force a couple of years ago and I returned to work full time at our community hospital. I am extremely fortunate that I only have to commute a mile and a half to work. I work on a telemetry unit that is designated mainly for stroke patients. My father passed away after suffering from a stroke and I felt compelled to help not only these patients but the families who find it difficult to grasp the complexities of this particular disease process. I applied and was recently accepted at Molloy College, a university here on Long Island where I applied to obtain my Masters Degree. I hope to teach once I can no longer physically keep up with the demands of nursing. I am wavering a bit as the beginning of the school year approaches. My kids will be going off to college themselves very soon and I don't want to miss this time with them. Life is good and I am grateful. Every now and then the rebellious teenager that still resides in me will inspire me to seek out a new thrill to experience (no, nothing illegal or immoral). I went skydiving a couple of years ago and on this summer's trip to Maine, jumped off a bridge the locals refer to as the "Wiggly, Wobbly" bridge. The water was ice cold and I definitely felt my age after finally making it to shore. Time for a rocking chair maybe?

School Story:

None that I would actually put in writing that could be used against me in a court of law.

Children? (Step-children count as a "Yes")


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25 Random Things About Me:

I graduated college with a 3.8 GPA
I did not say the word F_ _ _ until I was 29 (its a New York thing)
I love being a mother
I am not related to Larry Jones (my brother's name is Jack, class of '77 but everyone thought that Larry was my brother)
Valerie and I went on the Rebel Yell in Kings Dominion a couple of years ago (laughed so hard we nearly wet our pants)
I hate committment

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