After 1989...

(The following images were submitted by Jennifer Diley, with identification and captions by moi.)

Lissa, Theresa, Caroline, Mary Anne, Jennifer, Jackie
Judith, Shauna (nice face!), Emily, Tracy
@ the Harken Lounge, 1990 

Susan, Emily, Jennifer, Theresa, Shauna
Lissa, Jackie, Judith

Shauna, Susan, Mary Anne, Jennifer, Judith, Theresa, Lissa
atop Squaw Peak Mountain, Phoenix * 2001

Jackie W., Nate, Theresa, Mary Anne, Jennifer, Emily, Lisa, Judith, Lissa, Carrie, Shauna, Eric P. 
at the Dock, 10-year reunion
(Nate & EP are surrounded by beautiful girls...  they look so happy!)

Back Row:  Jackie W., Chris T. (Emily's hubby), Emily, Lisa, Theresa, Eric J., Mary Anne, Jackie, Nate
Front Row:  Susan, Shauna, Jennifer, Eric P., Bryan, David, Judith, Lissa, Jennifer W. Karen, Carrie

Back Row:  Jay, Tyke?, Carl, Eric P., Nate, David, Eric J.
Front Row:  Derek, Craig, Bryan, Geoff, J.T., Mike

Yeah... ummmm...  I'm not ID'ing this shot...

EJ, Geoff & Carl, with Nate & Cam in the background

Felicia, Tya, and Scott N.

And who can forget our beloved Scottie B.,
bustin' a move... bustin' his butt to do The Worm
...  and then bustin' his chin open