Senior Pics & Awards

Unless names or captions are submitted, I will do my best to ID the submitted pictures.
Feel free to contact me with any corrections or additions.  Susan D.

A very special thanks to Jackie Beatty for submitting the following batch of pictures...

     Keri Howard                                                Joanna Haubeil                                    Nikki Harris
        Shauna Bethel                                                 Tracy Jones                                     Jackie Bogert
                Carl Harris                                             Carl Harris                                         Tya Netter

                               Tanya Robinson                      Kevin Whitney                                   Geoff Duncan
                               Tamara Kelley                          J.J. DeLong                                      Keri Howard
                                 Tara Brown                            Tonya Sims                                       Tonya Sims

                                  Tanya Robinson                                                           Melissa Steinbrook
                                  Janet Friedman                                                                     Tara Brown
                                      Keri Howard                                                                  Carey Gunning
                                       Pam Boyce                                                                       Tara Brown

Jackie Bogert, Mike Beatty, Deacon Tomlinson, Carl Harris, Tamara Kelley
Bobby Lytle, Mindy Montgomery x 2, Patrice Brown
Tammi Lowe, Jeri Lewis, Tonya Sims, Mike Beatty
Cheryl Valentine, Stephanie Jackson, Deanna Austin, Tonya Mason

                Julie Juenger & Janet Friedman                                                                   Charlie Lynch

Senior Class Officers                                                Class Advisor:  Mrs. Montgomery
President:  Lisa Woodruff                                         Class Motto:  "Time may alter our values and goals,
Vice President:  Felicia Kerney                                                          but nothing can touch our memories
Secretary:  Jackie Bogert                                           Class Colors:  Royal Blue & Silver
Treasurer:  Elycia Hamrick                                        Class Flower:  Deep Red Sweetheart Rose
                                                                                  Class Song:  "Forever Young"  (Rod Stewart)

from Todd Oates

Jennifer Barlage                                     Karla Newton                            Margaret Gingerich
Joe Vanmeter                                             Kurt Kellenberger                     Mike McCambridge
"Spector" Dan Seidensticker                 Shawn Mead                                Jenny Ramey

Neil Park                                                             J.J. DeLong                             Judith Christian


Here are the CHS Class of 1989 Senior Awards, presented 5/22/89

Best Party Giver:  Janet Friedman
Best Senior Couple: 
Jackie Bogert / Geoff Duncan
Guy Causing the Most Gray Hair: 
Charlie Lynch
Girl Causing the Most Gray Hair: 
Janet Friedman
Best Dressed Guy: 
Richard Enderlin
Best Dressed Girl: 
Julie Juenger
Best Looking Guy: 
Richard Enderlin
Best Looking Girl: 
Julie Juenger
Girl with the Best Buns: 
Suzanne Toth
Guy with the Best Buns: 
Craig Brown
Girl Most Fun to Be Around: 
Lisa Woodruff
Guy Most Fun to Be Around: 
Eric Janney
Girl Most Likely to Succeed: 
Jackie Bogert
Guy Most Likely to Succeed: 
Leonard Su
Funniest Guy: 
Jon Whitney
Funniest Girl: 
Joan Cutright
Guy with the Prettiest Eyes: 
Richard Enderlin
Girl with the Prettiest Eyes: 
Jackie Bogert
Guy with the Prettiest Smile: 
Craig Brown
Girl with the Prettiest Smile: 
Julie Juenger
Biggest Brown-Noser Girl: 
Lisa Woodruff
Biggest Brown-Noser Guy: 
Dan Seidensticker
Best All Around Senior Girl: 
Lisa Woodruff
Best All Around Senior Guy: 
Dan Seidensticker
Biggest Flirt Girl: 
Mary Anne Taylor
Biggest Flirt Guy: 
Kevin Whitney
Sexiest Girl: 
Julie Juenger
Sexiest Guy: 
Joe Oliver
Carl Harris
Mindy Montgomery
Most Polite Girl: 
Carrie Ater
Most Polite Guy: 
Dan Seidensticker
Most Studious Girl: 
Jennifer Powell
Most Studious Guy: 
Bryan Shamblin
Shyest Girl: 
Karen Black
Shyest Guy: 
Robert Davis
Friendliest Girl: 
Felicia Kerney
Friendliest Guy:  Eric Janney