Patricia Fanning smith

Profile Updated: January 2, 2015
Patricia Fanning
Residing In Pierson,, FL USA
Occupation retired
Children Joey, born 1966
Yes! Attending Reunion
Attending Wood High School 50th Reunion (09/20/14)



Owner of an agricultural business with my husband since 1972. Husband passed away in 2007. Maintained small part of our fern business in north central Fl. Stil miss Ohio at times but haven't returned for over 20 years. Have a large extented family that keeps me busy. Some of the grandsons live at the beach and are avid surfers, so I spend a good deal of time there. Many of my neighbors have rances with cattle and horses I gave up riding years ago but still enjoy local events and community projects.

School Story

The only story I remember was in senior year, my only year at Woodward.Two friends and I skipped school. This was the first and last time for us. We went to Dayton to shop and were so nervous we did not enjoy the experience. Glad I didn't try anything riskier.

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Jan 02, 2015 at 9:42 PM
Jul 16, 2014 at 12:49 AM
Jul 16, 2014 at 12:40 AM

After I received my letter about the class reunion I thought it would pass without much concern. I started looking through the sight and soon began to remember those days so long ago. I only spent my last year of high school at Woodward and really didn't know a lot of the students. Since looking through the class comments I recoginze a few of the pictures. I even found a few names of students who live close to me now. I realize how crazy life can be and how many kids are gone in these years. I hope to be able to attend the reunion if I can work out all the details. Hope some of us can reaquaint ourselves and make new freindships for the future.

Vonda Owens Bolin posted a message on Patricia Fanning's Profile. New comment added.
Aug 27, 2014 at 7:09 AM

Posted on: Jul 12, 2014 at 9:40 AM

Hi Patricia, So glad to see you on here. Thanks for the kind words. I think we made it easier for each other. I am back in Ohio now after several years in Florida. It's hard to believe 50 years have gone by. Are you attending the reunion?

Patricia Fanning smith added a comment on her Profile.
Jul 03, 2014 at 10:35 PM
Jul 02, 2014 at 12:39 AM

I am so glad to see your profile. I only attended Woodward for one year,so I hardly knew anyone in our class. We reconnected at Woodward after not seeing each other since elementary school. It was a tough year for me but you helped make it easier. If you are ever in Fl. look me up.