Profile Updated: February 27, 2021
Residing In: Los Angeles, CA USA
Spouse/Partner: Violetta White
What are you doing these days? Actor in LA -
Military Service: Army Gymnasium  
What sort of work did/do you do?

Worked as a journalist at The Star, Johannesburg, and at the BBC in London (World Service and Newsnight). Then studied at the NFTS (National Film & Television School) near London. After graduation, moved to the US where, through a co-incidence, I ended up on stage (did drama as a kid) and then in front of camera in Los Angeles. Incidentally, I got to meet Shelley Berman whose material I used to get me into the finals of several DHS talent contests - I mentioned this to Shelley and he fired back: "Did you pay the license fee?" I gulped...then he slapped my arm and said: "Take it easy - just kidding!" Recent career high-points include playing golfing legend, Old Tom Morris, in three years of TV commercials for Golf Now in the USA, and working on the Coen brothers' new movie HAIL, CAESAR! (due for release in 2016), playing Catholic priest, Monsignor O' Irish look has had me playing quite a few priests! All my film and TV work is listed on the International Movie Database at

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May 24, 2021 at 7:50 PM

John, came to the site to check on an In Memory mentioned in an email and noticed your name...clicked on it and noticed you're now in the Orkney islands...good for you! I was born in Lewis (Gress, near Stornoway) and have been planning a reunion there with my four sisters. Still got lots of cousins, etc, on the island that we're all in regular touch with though, sadly, never got the Gaelic down which was my mother's first language. Well, just thought I'd say hi and wish you well as we sail on into the future. FYI, I'm in Marina Del Rey in Los Angeles and am happily rooted in this neck on the woods! Take care.

Feb 28, 2021 at 3:59 AM
ROBERT PIKE-DANIEL changed his "Then" picture.
Feb 28, 2021 at 3:58 AM
ROBERT PIKE-DANIEL changed his "Now" picture.
Feb 28, 2021 at 3:57 AM
ROBERT PIKE-DANIEL added a photo to his profile gallery.
Jun 14, 2015 at 10:05 PM
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Posted: Jun 14, 2015 at 10:05 PM
