Holly Garcia Moffitt

Profile Updated: February 5, 2014
Residing In: Green River, WY USA
Spouse/Partner: Kelly Moffitt
Occupation: Inventory PLanner Cameron
Children: Three children Josh, Austin and Kelsey.
Yes! Attending Reunion

Ok... Yes I still live in Green River. I did move to Phoenix Arizona after Graduation to go to school and was never to return boy did that change.. So here I am back in good old Green River I just couldnt stay away. I came back home and was only going to stay a couple of Months.. Then I met Kelly..three years later I we got married and have never left.

Sorry for all the Flaming Gorge days Pictures I'm on the Committee and Love it.. Hard work all year long but all worth it in the end... That is usually the only time you will see me in pictures.. I'm usually the one who is doing all the picture taking.

****A little update on my crazy life... Josh is now 27 He married Brittany Moser in 2012 and we now have two beautiful grand children Adilynn who is 3-1/2 and Brighton 10 months.
Austin is 18 and Graduating this year and I'm not ready for this. I have already had my moments of crying and have many more to come I'm sure.
Kelsey is now 16 and a sophomore loving playing soccer every chance she gets. Her Wyoming team went to a Soccer Tournament in Tempe Arizona over Thanks Giving and took first place. Whoot Whoot way to go!!

I wont be attending the 25th Reunion I'm still on the Flaming Gorge Days Committee and will be working the whole weekend. I will be around so hopefully I will able to run into you all at some point or another.

As for Kelly and I we are still working like crazy trying to keep up with Austin and Kelsey's sports but it is all worth it. we will be celebrating our 20th Anniversary this year... WOW where did all the time go??

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Feb 05, 2014 at 1:42 PM
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Posted: Feb 05, 2014 at 1:38 PM
Posted: Mar 08, 2014 at 10:00 PM
Husband Kelly, Mike Cobb and Bart Sanchez at Flaming Gorge days 2008
Posted: Mar 08, 2014 at 10:00 PM
Once again Flaming Gorge days 2008.
