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•   Sue Broene (Benedict)  9/12
•   Andrea Drozdowski (Reynolds)  9/3
•   Theresa Hammer (Efurd)  10/1
•   Jennifer Skaggs (Sweeten)  9/22
•   Ryan Ross  9/21
•   Randy Woodward  9/16
•   Paul Duncan  9/5
•   Debbie Cagle (Schluterman)  9/4
•   Lori Howard (Grouse)  9/4
•   Sean Wallace (Wallace)  4/25
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•   Trey Gentile (Ellen Gentile)  9/23
•   Ryan Ross  9/26
•   Brian Castillow  9/28
•   Hillary Browne  9/29
•   Tara Lanier (Allman)  9/30
•   Ava Waggoner (Poindexter)  9/30
•   David Edward Woods  10/14
•   Audrey Black (Fair)  10/17


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Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


What is the biggest issue facing the US today?

  The Economy
  The Afghanistan & Iraq War
  Healthcare Reform
  illegal Immigration
  Moral Decline


Who lives where - click links below to find out.

67 live in Arkansas
1 lives in California
1 lives in Florida
2 live in Georgia
1 lives in Kansas
1 lives in Louisiana
1 lives in Minnesota
1 lives in Mississippi
2 live in Missouri
1 lives in New York
9 live in Oklahoma
1 lives in Tennessee
5 live in Texas
1 lives in United Kingdom
16 location unknown
13 are deceased

Greenwood High School
Class Of 1984


Please mail your payment for 35 Year Reunion to:

Suzie Stovall

3707 Mt. Harmony Road, Greenwood, AR 72936


Update your profile and email address! Announcements will be sent occasionally so stay current.

You may also check "Facebook" for classmates. 



If you have photos from our 25 Year Reunion, email them

to Jennifer at



 Welcome to the Greenwood High Class Of 1984 website.   This website has been secured for the next few years so it is ours to use to stay in touch!   And best of all, its free!   Get the word out to our classmates!  Use the convenient email link shown at the bottom of this page to invite our classmates to log on and set up a  profile.   We want everyone included and we need your help!  Be sure to upload photos of you and/or your family!   If you don't know how, ask your kids!   . 

The GHS Class of 1984 hosted our 25 Year Reunion "Second Chances" in June of 2009.  We had about 50 classmates attend the event - a great turn out!  Although we were not successful in locating all of our classmates before the reunion, we continue the search.  We want to give everyone a chance to participate in our website as we stay current and connected.  Keep your profile updated with correct contact information and fresh photos.  Start a conversation in the "Message Forum" and stay in touch with friends.  Lets not wait another 15 years to see you!


Have you seen the campus of GHS lately? What a difference 25 years make!  Greenwood High now boasts a Performing Arts Center, a Science building, a beautiful new  Student Union (cafeteria) and numerous other improvements.  Yes, The Dinner Bell was finally torn down.  A "Construction Trade Building" is now being built.  The football Smith-Robinson field has a new track and artificial turf .  An indoor practice field (called the Multipurpose Building) is also available.  The H.B.Stewart Arena (basketball & volleyball) rivals some colleges with its stadium seating and meeting facilities.  The old cafeteria building has been renovated to create a  business and computer lab.  The street in front of the school has been removed and replaced with a Campus Green with grass,  trees and beautiful lighting.   Jerry Efurd ("Coach Efurd" when we were there!) is now the principal.   Our Class of 1984 graduate Kevin Hesslin is the principal at Raymond Wells Junior High.  Many of you have kids  in the Greenwood school system so you know what a great school it is.   Greenwood High still has a strong academic reputation and continues to enhance its curriculum with advanced placement courses.  Go to to see the changes that time and technology have brought to our alma mater.

 If you are a non-1984 GHS graduate and want to contact some of the classmates listed on this website, send us an email (listed below) with the names of those you wish to contact. We will then forward your email address to them with your contact request. 

                                                    GO DOGS!!


GHS Class of  '84 Reunion Committee Members

Jennifer Sweeten (Skaggs)- Reunion Chairperson

Lori Hooten - Reunion Chief Financial Officer

Pam Crowder (Ezell)

Tara Allman (Lanier)

Suzie Stovall (Wallace)

Debbie Walters (Mullen)

Charla Atkins (Townsend)