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07/09/22 01:14 PM #57    

Joyce Rosen (Friedman)

Thank you for sending all this information, Karen. I gave money to the Go Fund Me for the survivors and families of victims, Which one of these added resources you mention would be best for donations or does it matter?

Be well,


07/09/22 01:42 PM #58    


Karen Meldman (Finerman)

ICYMI from Jim Crovetti:

Greetings All, great to see everyone again. If you're wondering who the heck is that woman in the main page photo, her name is Mercedes and she is not a graduate of HPHS (actually from Caracas, Venezuela). We met and fell in love while attending graduate school at the U of I and were married soon after. This is the 3rd class reunion she has attended so maybe you recognize her face? Stay safe, our thoughts and prayers continue for all those affected by the 4th of July tragedy. All the best & HP Strong, Jim Crovetti

07/09/22 01:45 PM #59    


Karen Meldman (Finerman)


No staffing resolutions at work for me so I will definitely have to Miss this year's reunion. Hopefully retired by the next one.
Everyone, please enjoy the weekend and have a Healthy and Happy life.
Until next time.
Rick Scoglio

07/09/22 02:34 PM #60    

William Norwell

I would absolutely participate in and Zoom and physical gathering. I was just with a friend who who just came from her uncle's funeral. He was the 7th fatality. 

07/09/22 02:59 PM #61    

Thomas Suber

A Zoom forum sounds great. I'd love to participate. Good idea, Bruce and Lennie. 

07/09/22 04:43 PM #62    


Donna Gieser (Castele)

Thanks Bruce - Count me in - I live in Gurnee so I'm close to HPK. 

07/09/22 05:25 PM #63    

Lauren Miller (David)

I have just been reading the posts, and definitely want to be included in any walk, vigil, etc., and Zoom for those who can't be here in person. It's been unbelieveable to me that we had just enjoyed our 50th reunion, and that one week later we were witnessing this horrific tragedy uptown. Aside from calling HP my home, I also work as a school nurse in HP D112, so this also affects me on another level. I do know some students, and their families and staff member's families who have been injured, and hope for their total physical and mental recovery.  The district has been offering free counseling to anyone who wants it, but this is obviously just a first step. Luckily, HP is a very generous and proactive community, with community members stepping up to do whatever can be done to help. Unfortunately, this will now be forever added to our memories of Highland Park. Be safe everyone!


07/09/22 06:43 PM #64    

Patti Davidson (Pathman)

I love the idea of a zoom meeting. Thanks for suggesting.



07/09/22 07:38 PM #65    

Barb Buhai

It has taken me until now to even be able to write something. I appreciate everyone's thoughtful and heartfelt comments.  It seems that we all have a personal connection, and for me, it is (among other things) that the shooting took place in front of the plaza named for my father. Both of my parents were incredibly proud to witness the naming of Buhai Plaza; and so, to have the shooting there makes it that much more painful, if that is even possible.

Like many others, I have made a charitable donation, but but overall, I continue to feel helpless. The larger contribution my family and I hope to make is to have the plaza re-named in memory of the victims or as a marker of this senseless tragedy. I'm sure the City will have bigger plans for a permanent memorial but I have reached out to Mayor Rotering to put forth this suggestion.  Maybe it can be called the Highland Park Strong Plaza.


07/10/22 04:11 AM #66    

Jennifer Schneller (Schneller)

Thank you for the idea of a physical meeting Bruce for those who are able to attend in HIghland Park although it seems something has been organzied by the city in that direction.  And Lenny, thank you for the idea of a zoom meeting, for those who are not able to make it, geographically speaking.  Count me in for the zoom if someone could organize it. 

With hopes of a saner tomorrow , Jenny Mansur (Schneller )    

07/10/22 08:07 AM #67    

Lennie Rose (Steiger)

Good morning, everyone,

If you would like to participate in the Zoom event, please email me at so I can have your email in my email. While we wait for the final details on date and time for the Zoom, I can start putting your emails into the system so we can send you a link when we get confirmation. I'm hoping it will be this Thursday evening. I'll let you know. In the meantime, feel free to reach out - either by phone or email. (708) 369-3472. We are not alone. We have each other.

07/10/22 08:42 AM #68    

Shari Brenner

I would definitely attend the zoom healing circle and a great idea. I was unable to attend the reunion. I was finishing up my cruise on the Meditarranean. I missed seeing everyone who attended,

07/10/22 10:36 AM #69    


Joan Burnstein (Gand)

Hi All, I just wanted to send hugs and hellos to everyone, and let you know how devastated I felt about the shooting, and that I am thinking of everyone and my beautiful home town.  Even though I haven't stayed in touch with many of you, I do think fondly of my high school days and am so proud of the generation we are part of.  Gary and I watched all the news and followed the story online as it unfolded.  It was so unreal, I cried thinking, "how could this happen in Highland Park?"  and of my parents who fortunately did not live to see this. I thought of all those brunches at Walker Brothers, of bands playing at Port Clinton, of getting Haagen Dazs there when that was a "new" thing, and of the times before Port Clinton was built and we used to hang around that area on our bikes all the time going to Woolworth's and Garnets. Sad to see old friend Dean Zelinsky and his wife Suzi on the news who were some of the heroes of that day. 

I've never been to a reunion, several times I had planned to come but life got in the way. Sounds like I missed a great one, and I'm so glad you all got a chance to be together and have such a wonderful time before this happened.  As some of you know I'm still playing piano and organ, and I perform regularly in The Gand Band (instead of playing golf, we still get out there and play music!) At our performance on Wednesday, we played the song "What's Going On" by Marvin Gaye, and dedicated it to the Highland Park shooting.  Everyone in the audience observed a moment of silence.  Marvin Gaye's song was written in 1971, and it is still as fresh today as when we all first heard it.  It was written about war, police brutality, and rebellion, All those things are still "going on" and with our country so divided today, its seems just as bad, if not worse, than back in 1971.  Is it possible we haven't made any progress at all?  Anyway, playing the song was just a small gesture, but it made us feel better to do something.  

Love to you all,

Joan Burnstein Gand

07/10/22 11:02 AM #70    

Diane Freeman (Ruder)

Good morning all,

I'm having such a hard time understanding what just happened to this wonderful community. I hate the fact that Highland Park is now lumped in with all the other places that have experienced this horror. It just doesn't make sense. Someone said to me that your town looks like Mayberry R.F.D. and in reality, it is just like that. A place that has a 4th of July parade that nobody wants to go to but everyone does because that's what you do. Kids and pets dress up and walk proudly down the street and have a great time. Floats consist of the marching band from the high school, etc., etc., etc.. Who's going to want to go now? I'm worried about the community getting past this, I"m worried about the children getting past this.

We have to do something!!


07/10/22 12:04 PM #71    

Nancy Benson (Nieto)


Thank you for organizing the Zoom. I wasn't able to attend the reunion but would be interested in connecting with classmates on the Zoom session as we mourn the victims and support Highland Park strong. I have such fond memories of growing up in Highland Park..attending Ravinia School, Edgewood and then HPHS. 
Nancy Benson

07/10/22 12:16 PM #72    


Deborah Caringella (Schneider)

Like all of you, I am reeling from the shockwaves of the attack on our hometown. Highland Park was, and will remain, a place I cherish, a place I felt lucky to have grown up in and to which I never lost my feeling of connection. It is Home, even though I haven't lived there for fifty years. The shooting on July 4th shattered that feeling of sanctity; eveyone who has lived or still lives there feels the hurt and violation to our community. Now Highland Park is the latest in the long list of hashtags for the places where mass shootings have occurred. What a tragic alliance we have now joined with all the other places in our country who've experienced this horror. I feel sorrow for those who lost their lives, and grief for us all for our collective loss. I will gladly attend a zoom gathering, in remembrance of what we've lost but also, I hope, in celebration of what we still have. With love to you all, Deborah

07/10/22 12:18 PM #73    


John Rosenbaum

I am so proud to be a member of the class of ‘71.  Thank you to everyone who has posted a comment.  #HPStrong. We would love to attend an event in person, Bruce, but because of where we live ZOOM and donations will have to suffice.  Please count us in. John and Tracy Rosenbaum 

07/11/22 09:59 AM #74    

Jeff Melvoin (Jeffrey D Melvoin)

Wish I could join either physically or by Zoom, but my wife and I are in Oslo for our older son's marriage to a lovely Norwegian woman (who's lived in L.A. since she was 14, but still has family in Norway).  

But I will be there in spirit.  

I'm heartened by the many posts that have followed in the wake of Bruce's initial message.  It's good to hear from so many I haven't seen for so long now, but who remain part of the fabric of my life.

It is truly awful that such a heinous tragedy was the trigger to the strengthening of our high school community, but the outpouing since that horrid day is a reminder of what we grew up with, what we hang on to, and what we hope to deliver for our children and their children -- not just in HP, but throughout this great and troubled nation.  

Individually, it's hard to understand what happened or to cope.  Collectively, we gather strength and carry on.

My best to all,











07/11/22 10:09 AM #75    

Lennie Rose (Steiger)

The Zoom Invite link and details. If you haven't already emailed me to get this, you can get everything you need for the event here.

#HPStrong Zoom Healing Circle


Date: Thursday, July 14 Time: 7 pm Eastern (your zoom link is below)



here is the link  




Program Agenda 


Opening Remarks and Welcome


Introduction - Each person say his or her name and where their feet are planted at the moment. 


A moment of silence


Readings of poetry, quotes, prayers or meditation for the entire group


Breakout session 1- A chance for people to share their thoughts and feelings in small groups


Breakout session 2 - more conversation as we move into other groups


Concluding Remarks, final thoughts and good-byes (for now)




Guard Rails - Ground Rules - The point of this program is to begin to heal


No discussion of politics, criticism of each other or hate speech - the small groups are designed as an open forum to speak freely, feel deeply, voice anguish and heal heartbreak.   Bring your strength and resolve.


No one should monopolize the small group conversation and everyone is responsible for keeping this on track.  


The program should take approximately one hour, but if you want to extend it, we are flexible to do so.


Many thanks to everyone for attending. 




Topic: #HP Strong Zoom Forum

Time: Jul 14, 2022 05:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

6:00 pm Central Standard Time

7:00 pm Eastern Standard Time




Meeting ID: 876 2307 9752

Passcode: 637247

If you are joining by phone 

One tap mobile

+12532158782,,87623079752#,,,,*637247# US (Tacoma)

+13462487799,,87623079752#,,,,*637247# US (Houston)


Dial by your location

        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

        +1 669 444 9171 US

        +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)

        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)

        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

        +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)

        +1 646 931 3860 US

Meeting ID: 876 2307 9752

Passcode: 637247

Find your local number:


07/11/22 10:23 AM #76    

Robert Hennes

Hi Lennie,

Thanks so much for coordinating this.  Whether folks attended the reunion or not, most of our 50th reunion class certainly had taken some time in the last few months to reflect on their Highland Park youth and the effects it had on the rest of their lives.  While some may feel quite culturally distant from those days, this tragedy has brought us all back, totally involuntarily, in a way we could never imagined.   Bob

07/11/22 12:04 PM #77    

Larry Donoval

I am deeply saddened about the horrific shooting in my home town on the 4th of July. I was travelling when I received a text from a fellow classmate living in the area that they were ok. Not knowing what he actually meant I then went to the news on my phone to find out what had taken place. While each and every one of these tragedies in our country has affected me in some way, this happening in Highland Park has now changed me forever. I lived at 900 Central Avenue, worked at Woolworth's, and have very found memories of everything in our town. I have not been able to attend a reunion since the first one and very much wanted to join the vigil meeting this Wednesday, unfortunatley a unforseen famliy issue prevents me from being there. My thoughts, prayers, and well wishes to all HPHS classmates and everyone affected by this needless tragedy.




07/11/22 01:57 PM #78    

Thomas Suber

I had intended to participate in the Zoom memoriam, but now find I very regrettably cannot. Streams of emotions, memories, anger, frustration, bewilderment have come and gone repeatedly over the last week. Like many, I and my family no longer live in the area. But, it still lives inside me. Classmates, schools, parks, streets, stores, beaches, merchants, neighbors, and so on. I'm fighting not to add the pictures of the July 4 carnage to that stack . Fortunately good memories are usually more durable than bad ones. So, I will work to remember the 4th celebrations such as when I lived on Ravine Drive and put playing cards in my bicycle spokes to make as much racket as possible, to when I lived on Green Bay and my Mom had to do her political hand-waving from her convertible in the parade past Port Clinton Square, built during my step-father's time on the City Council. 

Heartfelt sympathies to those who lost friends or loved ones. Same to those struggling to bring a sense of reason back to their vision of what America can and should be. Admittedly, a especially hard path for me going forward. But sending all you, my former HPHS classmates, the best of happiness and good health.


07/12/22 07:55 AM #79    

Lennie Rose (Steiger)

Whether you can attend the vigils or not, you are here now in spirit and in words and you will remain with us during our next gatherings.  

07/12/22 08:53 AM #80    

Jill Cope (Wicke)

I think a zoom is a great idea so that we can all grieve together. I am on vacation in Tennessee but I will try to attend the zoom. Like everyone else I could not believe this despicable act could happen in Highland Park. I remember ice skating at Lincoln school, during gym & on weekends, and heading into the warming house when I couldn't feel my toes anymore. Wandering around shopping uptown at woolworths, Garnets, The Victorian shop & of course going to & bring in the 4th of July parade. These are the memories we need to hang onto. 
Jill Cope Wicke


07/12/22 11:36 AM #81    

Bruce Koff

I am deeply moved by the comments posted here and very grateful. 

A reminder for those of us gathering at HPHS on Wednesday: We will gather at 5:45pm on Vine at the front steps to the school. I'll have on a purple cap and will carry a small sign so you can recognize me. In case you need to call or text, my cell is: (773) 550-0129.

Please feel free to invite family and friends to join us.

Central Avenue is now open and it appears that a makeshift memorial has been positioned on Buhai Plaza in Clinton Square, so we will probably pause there for reflection. If you like, please feel free to share thoughts, writings, poetry or prayer.

For those who wish to stay, we will then proceed to the vigil which begins at 7pm at City Hall. 

Thank-you again for such a warm demonstration of our enduring bonds of care and of community.






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