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•   Ron Hawkins  11/19
•   Eric Brucker  1/11
•   Derek Gilbert  12/14
•   Charles Heinz  11/15
•   Mike Martin  6/30
•   Anthony Morrison  6/11
•   Steve Blucker  5/28
•   Dennis Thomas  5/7
•   Tim Woodall  3/25
•   Randy Doty  2/11
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•   Clark Niepert  9/25
•   Jim Stewart  10/4
•   Larry Cooper  10/6
•   Joe Cochonour  10/12


Who lives where - click links below to find out.

46 live in Illinois
1 lives in Missouri
1 location unknown

Coles County ChorusThe Coles County Barbershop Chorus officially formed as a chapter of SPEBSQSA, the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America, in June of 1970.

Much has changed since then: leisure suits, floppy discs and VCRs have come and gone, SPEBSQSA is now the Barbershop Harmony Society, and the Chicago Cubs have…

Well, not everything has changed.

2011, our 41st year, has been one of the best ever for the Coles County Chorus.  We have:

  • Welcomed five new members
  • Sung for more than a dozen community events, including church services and special events at nursing homes
  • Raised $6,500 for area food and homeless programs through our Lenten and Christmas benefit concerts
  • Presented $1,800 to area high school vocal music programs
  • Hosted an all-day Youth in Harmony Festival for more than 200 students from nine area high schools
  • Placed 3rd out of thirty barbershop choruses in Illinois competition
  • Received the Philanthropy Award from the Illinois District of the Barbershop Harmony Society

Our 35 members live in 18 different communities within a 75-mile radius of Coles County.  We’re always looking for men of good character who like to sing.

We invite guests to visit any Tuesday night at 7:00 PM at First Presbyterian Church in Mattoon, Illinois.  (For a map, see here.)  Come to sing or just listen!

The Illinois District - A State of Barbershop Harmony Society

Singing Valentines