In Memory

Michele Trujillo (Duguay)

Michele Trujillo (Duguay)

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07/28/20 03:57 PM #1    

Jeff Green

Michele was always angelic and had a good sense of humor and great touch with people. I always enjoyed seeing her and spending time with her at reunions and summer gatherings in Napa. She worked as a nurse in The City for years and I'm sure she was terrific one. Even in the midst of a hard fight against cancer Michele remained as sweet and genuine as ever. It was a very sad period after she died. Her memory will be cherished by all of us who knew and loved her.

08/04/20 05:25 AM #2    

Diane Hoxmeier (Rabinowitz)

I agree with Jeff Green about Michele.  I remember her as a warm, friendly and funny person.  Many of us left Napa after graduation or later, and we don't know what our classmates did with their lives. But I am not surprised that Michele became a nurse.  I bet she was top notch.  

08/05/20 08:38 AM #3    

Rosemarie Munson (Bettinelli)

My high school memories of Michele are that she was very friendly and always had a smile on her face. 
My best memories of her was when we were neighbors for several years.  Our families had so much fun together.  We had lots of parties, bbq, played cards and, of course, lots of laughs.  RIP my friend 

08/05/20 01:31 PM #4    

Thomas L Fish

I first met Michele in September of 1966.  It was my good fortune to remain friends with her for the rest of her life.  I will always treasure her friendship.  She was a kind and caring person.  This is what led her into a carreer in nursing.  During my time in Viet Nam,Michele sent me a St. Christopher medal along with constant letters keeping me up to date on goings on in Napa.  I always looked forward to the 65er dinners so that we could catch up.  I miss you my friend.

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