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•   Jan Blanchard (Cavanaugh)  6/29
•   John Fontecchio  5/11
•   Bob Campbell  10/29
•   Ray Mansfield  8/17
•   Joe Dutra  6/26
•   Joe Catalano  8/26
•   Charlotte Bowmar (Porreca)  8/25
•   Bev Rasmussen (Anderson)  3/17
•   Carolyn Blakely (MacKay)  11/3
•   Mary Susan Stein (Leahy)  11/3
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alabama
3 live in Arizona
7 live in California
1 lives in Colorado
5 live in Connecticut
1 lives in District Of Columbia
20 live in Florida
3 live in Georgia
2 live in Illinois
1 lives in Kentucky
3 live in Maine
4 live in Maryland
67 live in Massachusetts
1 lives in Minnesota
1 lives in Missouri
1 lives in Montana
12 live in New Hampshire
3 live in New Jersey
2 live in New Mexico
1 lives in New York
6 live in North Carolina
1 lives in Oklahoma
3 live in Oregon
6 live in Pennsylvania
2 live in Rhode Island
6 live in South Carolina
2 live in Texas
2 live in Vermont
2 live in Virginia
1 lives in West Virginia
1 lives in Germany
1 lives in Norway
97 location unknown
68 are deceased


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Needham High School
Class Of 1962
Welcome to the Needham High Class Of 1962 web site.

Add any additional home page content here...

Contact Paul Bloh at  with all address changes from now on


Bob Kimball




From:  Clark Andrews

Bob & Karen - Please post this comment about Gary Thompson's note. Thanks. Clark I have racked my brain for years, decades actually, trying to think of Ms. Charlotte Duryea's name. For an ill-guided STEM like me,she was a welcome relief to the long line of English-teaching pedantics everywhere at NSHS. I remember her pleasant lilting personality that found irony everywhere. Much of that year, Junior year I think, focused on Shakespeare. Back then, Shakespeare meant memorization. I couldn't conjugate a verb (still can't but who cares?) BUT I could memorize! Got an 84 B from her but nonetheless a B. I remember, too, her dress.She wore dresses.Remember? That was 1960 or so. Your grandkids - do any of the women teachers wear dresses? Gary, you've released a flood of memories. All good. Thanks.


From:  Dottie Sargent McGuirk

Vietnam Wall Wall Name:MICHAEL W DOWNEY Date of Birth: 2/16/1944 Date of Casualty: 7/1/1967 Home of Record: NEEDHAM County of Record: NORFOLK COUNTY State: MA Branch of Service: MARINE CORPS Rank: 2LT Panel/Row:22E, 91 Casualty Province: QUANG NAM Associated Items left at The Wall:

this is about charlotte duryea, h.s. english teacher


  Gary Thompson
06/03/17 12:15 PM
  Bob, Wasn't sure how to post this so all could see, but I thought if I sent it to you, you would know how. thx in advance. I found Miss Charlotte living in a small town near the coast of Rhode Island with her 2nd husband (1st passed away). We've talked on the phone and written back and forth. She's 83, retired but healthy and enjoying life. When I found her home phone, I called and left a message but didn't hear for two weeks. Thought I struck out. She and her husband were in Florida visiting her sister and I called the day after they left. She called when they got back and left me a message. Needless to say I was tickled; she really meant a lot to me and guided me in some directions I may not have gone. She probably wasn't the 'most favorite' teacher of too many, but I thought there might be some interest to know she is still with us. It was great to talk to her and write back and forth. I hope some other classmates enjoy as well. Thanks again for putting this where folks can read it Gary Thompson






Have just received notice of Sandy Stoddard's death on Jan 15, 2016.






Today I learned of the death of Arlene Wessels on 8-5-13


Undoubtably there are more classmates who have left this earth.   If you know of any now or in the future, please let me know.   Thanks


bob  3-14-17



Marcia Whittemore Glode notified me today of Muffy Randall's death in December, 2014


bob  3-13-17



Learned today of the death of Phyllis Brauer on 2-21-17





Learned today of the death of Guy Provansano on 11-9-16.





Elaine Koldenberg Horning's cousin notified me last month of her peaceful passing in her home on Oct 13.



Cam Tholl's widow informed me about a month ago that Bob Quance is not dead, but he is living in Houston.


I have tried to call but all lines have been disconnected.   I have written him a note in hopes of reconnecting.   Let's see what that yields.


On a personal note:   OMG, there is life outside of Needham, as 98% of you know.   We love the seacoast of NH.


bob  5-14-16






We learned this week of the sudden passing of Judy McIntosh Carr.

April 9. 2016


i had a communication from Joe Harris in the past week.   we had not been in communication with him for many many years.   he lives in Shenzhen, China.   nice to hear from him.   he did not supply an email address.




FYI:  Karen and I left Needham last week after 38 years in our Birds Hill house.   we have relocated to a new single floor "retirement" house in the seacoast area of NH.   our emails remain the same but the phone is:  603-842-4496.



Rich Porecca sent me this yesterday:

In Memory of

John R. Hackett

July 15, 1944 - April 27, 2015
John Raymond Hackett, 70, of Marblehead, passed away on April 27, 2015. John was born on July 15, 1944, the second son to Mary (nee' Dunphy) and James Clifford Hackett.

He attended school in Needham, Massachusetts, graduating from high school in 1962.
John was an avid sportsman in high school, playing ice hockey and baseball. He also had several after-school jobs, delivering the newspapers in Needham and as a caddy at the Needham Golf Club. John was gregarious and enjoyed the camaraderie of others.

After graduation, John enlisted in the US Navy. He served on several warships, most seeing action in the Vietnam War. He was on the USS Canberra, the USS Boston, and the USS Okinawa among others. John was on duty on the Okinawa, a helicopter carrier during the evacuation of Saigon in '75, the last US action in the Vietnam War. As with so many other veterans, John did not share many of his memories of the war.

When he left the Navy, he began a long career in the Food & Beverage industry, as a chef. He worked all around the greater Boston area, including 'Cityside' in Fanueil Hall Market in the late 1970's. Shortly after this time, John moved to the North Shore, where he lived and worked near to his brother Mark.

John was a life-long sports fan, loyal to his beloved Boston teams, the Red Sox, the Bruins, and the New England Patriots. He enjoyed nothing more than a game on the TV in the bar, with a cold bottle of Heineken, and the company of other fans.

John remained a bachelor, was a dutiful son to his mother in her final years, and is survived by his 3 sisters, Susan, Jeanne, and Martha; brothers, Michael, and Philip; and several nieces and nephews.

A Funeral Service will be held in the Eustis and Cornell Funeral Home, 142 Elm Street, Marblehead on Monday, May 4 at 12PM. Burial with honors to follow in Waterside Cemetery, Marblehead. Relatives and friends respectfully invited. Visitation will begin at 10AM.








Clark Andrews reports that Bob Quance died 10-15 years ago.

May 25, 2015


We have been notified that Eva Shockley Bernath passed away recently.   Cause unknown



Roger Greene's son, David, notified me today that he passed away yesterday, March 26, 2015 in Indiana from a heart attack.





In an e-mail from Paul Bloh today, I learned that Hugh Inglis passed away in October, 2014 from fast moving cancer.











At the request of the current HS principal we purchased a large embroidered cloth banner with the h.s. name and logo shield on it as our 50th Reunion gift.   It has finally been produced and we look forward to scheduling a dedication this Fall.


The banner will be hung as a backdrop behind podiums and at rallys and other school events.


We will announce the dedication so you may attend if you wish.   Pictures will follow.


Karen attended a mini "golden girls '62" luncheon yesterday.   There was a discussion of a 55th reunion.   They felt that a luncheon in the Spring of 2017 would be most effective...   More to come at a later date.


Bob  8/25/14

With sorrow i learned of two more passings today:   Tom Murdock (yesterday) and Joanne Devereaux Cauley (early may).


Bob  6-22-14







i have repaid our dues to this site and we are now paid thru 2019.





I received the folling from John Collins's son asking for comment from classmates.   His address is contained in the message


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year


Bob Kimball

From: William collins

Hello, my name is William Collins. My father is John Collins. Finding myself missing my dad over this holiday weekend I was curious to know if any class mates had any good stores, pictures or anything of the sort. I really have no idea who the man was in his younger years. As he told it he was a "geek" who liked to play with cars. Thank you in advance and happy holidays!










received from paul bloh in november:

From: Paul Bloh

Bob, I wanted to notify our classmates that Charlie Butters passed away on November 21, 2013 after a six year battle with cancer. Charlie spent his final weeks at the Tippett Hospice House in Needham and was cared for by a very devoted and caring staff. A memorial service will be held at the Methodist Church 800 Highland Ave. Needham Saturday Dec. 7 at 2:00PM Paul Bloh


Fran and Bob,
I am sorry to have to report that Jack Kelly passed on July 24th from the bladder cancer he fought for two years.
his obituary can be found at

I was going through some papers on his desk and found your notes from your 50th reunion and thought you would want to know. He had so looked forward to attending the reunion but he was too weak to travel at that time but cherished the signed momento you sent and read every signature.

He lived an extremely full life and he would have enjoyed sharing his visiting 92 countries along with many other experiences with everyone. You remember he loved to talk.

Thank you and your classmates for remembering him. It meant so much to him at a difficult time.
Kathy Kelly - Jack's wife of 46 years.

Sent from my iPhone
Kathy Kelly
214-783-9688 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 214-783-9688 FREE 








Many of you will remember that we sent good wishes to several classmates from the reunion.   I learned this week that jack kelly passed away on july 24 from cancer.

received from kathy vogel---refers to eugene, oregon::


Hi Bobby,
    Well we finally did it and opened our restaurant in Eugene. I know how you and Karen love Asian cuisine so I thought I would give you more information in case you ever travel this way. You can pass it on to others in the event they might end up in Eugene.The name of the restaurant is Kopi-O and you can check out are Facebook page at or go to our web site at We have been doing well with lots of return customers. Our Yelp reviews are also positive. We got a nice write up in our local paper which helped a lot. When the students get back in town we are hoping they will stop by. Hope you both are doing well especially in the heat you have been having. We are having a heat spell as well with temps in the 90’s. Take care

this was received in the last few days:


From: Karen (McCulloch) Hart

Was trying to find one of my sister's classmates when I found this web site. I noticed Meredith's name and wanted to fill in the blanks. Meredith passed away on October 22, 1962 at home. (Also our last name is misspelled - should be McCulloch not k). My daughter, Laurie Meredith Davignon, had twins 8 years ago and named her daughter Meredith. A beautiful tradition for a beautiful girl. Thanks Karen (McCulloch), NHS, class of '65

Sender's IP Address:




We received the following note today:



I want to thank you for the poster from the 50th cellebration signed by so many of my old friends and classmates.  I sure hated to miss the event but I saw by e-mail how well it went.  Great job.

I'm going in for more surgery tomorrow 10/12.

Hope I can get through this and see you at the next event or sooner- may be able to do a few songs!

Thanks again.


Tim (Heckle)


A couple of weeks ago we received an e mail from jack kelly as well and I failed to post it.

sadly jane mcfate reported today the death of roger aylward on our reunion weekend...  the notice was in her local paper.





Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2012 15:02:15 -0700
Subject: Re: class of '62 reunion report


Dear Bob and Karen,
It sounds like it was a reunion weekend to remember, and I know you both are primarily responsible for making it all happen. I was so sorry not to be able to join you and so many others for all the events, but I have been keeping up with all your emails, Bob, and have thoroughly enjoyed brousing the website and learning a bit about many of our classmates lives down through the years.
The website is a wonderful idea, and I'm sure we have you to thank for that as well. I also thoroughly enjoyed Jeanne Eaton Goddard's terrific account of the events of the weekend. It gave me a little taste of what I missed, much to my chagrin, and prompted me to indulge in my own trip down memory lane as a result. I will look forward to seeing the reunion photos as folks get a chance to post them.
The In Memoriam recognition of so many, especially those who seem to have died so young, has touched me especially. I have done a bit of sleuthing along the way to try to locate a couple of other classmates I remembered, and in the process discovered that two others have also gone before us ... Marilyn Gowdey Norma died in 1998 and Joseph Bonelli died in 2003. You might want to add them to the In Memoriam list on our website. I've also created the attached In Memoriam list for myself that you might want to keep for future reference.
Thanks again to both of you for making this special reunion a memorable event for all ... not just for those who were able to be there in person.
Peace & Blessings,
Kathy Magee



Poster arrived. Totally unexpected but may rank at top of all-time gifts

Thanks for making me feel like a part of the reunion

Treatment continues and appears to be effective

Thanks again

Jack Kelly


NHS Class of 1962 (325 Graduates) -- In Memoriam (48)

* additions for In Memoriam



Judith Diane “Judy” Albee (Loughlin)            [61]

            May 27, 1944 - January 22, 2006


Susan L. Baker                                                [53]

            April 16, 1943 - February 18, 1997


Raymond Walsh “Ray” Baszner, Jr.                [57]

            March 11, 1944 - August 2, 2001


*Joseph F. “Joe” Bonelli                                [59]

            January 13, 1944 - October 31, 2003


Robert Lewis “Bob” Bouchet                     [24]

             Feb. 15, 1944 - 1968 (Vietnam)


Donald A. “Don” Brunton                               [35]

            June 12, 1944 - May 1980


Laurene Michele Cole                                     [62]

             November 26, 1944 - August 4, 2006


John J. Collins                                                 [63]

            May 2, 1943 - October 17, 2006


Charles C. “Charlie” Crawford                      [25]

            February 17, 1943 - April 1968


Robert Alexander “Bob” Davidson, Jr.          [50]

            April 24, 1944 - September 21, 1994


Joseph deGraft-Johnson          (Gold Coast, Ghana)



Ronald Robert “Ron” DesRoches                   [53]

            March 19, 1944 - October 2, 1997


Kenneth C. “Ken” Dorr

            September 25, 1944-


Margaret Mary “Maggie” Dowd (Diamond)   [62]

            January 1, 1945 - August 1, 2007


Michael Wakefield “Mike” Downey          [23]

            Feb. 16, 1944 - July 1, 1967 (Vietnam)


Charles K. “Charlie” Draper                          [69]

            December 9, 1942 - November 23, 2001

Bradford L. Gibbs                                           [60]

            August 9, 1944 - August 26, 2004


Robert William “Bob” Gleason                      [36]

            May 17, 1944 - December, 1980       


Bruce White Gordon                                       [40]

            July 11, 1944 - June, 1984


*Marilyn Patricia Gowdey (Norma)               [53]

            October 6, 1944 - April 7, 1998


Kenneth G. “Ken” Haggerty

            September 11, 1944 -


Brendan F. Higgins                                         [62]

            1944- February 16, 2007      


William N. “Bill” Hotaling

            March 15, 1944 -


Stephanie “Steph” Lambert (Burns)                [64]    

            February 14, 1945 - May 1, 2009


Constance H. “Connie” Larson (Muro)           [60]

             May 10, 1943 - June 10, 2003


Richard Edward “Dick” Leavitt                      [64]

            January 25, 1943 - January 26, 2007


Elizabeth Ann “Betty” Lyons (Hesson)           [54]

            May 3, 1944 - November 8, 1998


Charles D. “Charlie” Mallio                           [66]

            December 14, 1943 - September 26, 2009


Kenneth M. “Ken” Maloomian                        [39]

            January 11, 1943 - December 19, 1982


JoAnne C. “Jo” Mantenuto (King)                   [65]

            January 18, 1944 - May 7, 2009


Meredith Joy McCullock                                

            August 10, 1944 -


Kevin F. “Kev” McNary

            July 22, 1943 -

Robert J.R. “Bob” Morrison                           [56]

            May 27, 1944 - June 27, 2000


Bruce Prescott Morse                                      [29]

            January 28, 1943 - December 15, 1972


Malcolm Dunning “Skip” Palmer, Jr.

            August 5, 1944 -


Mary M. Parziale (Baker)                               [62]

            August 27, 1944 - September 8, 2006


Dana Stuart Reid                                             [40]

            September 6, 1944 - March 1, 1985  


Paul T. Ross                                                    [60]

            August 2, 1944 - October 20, 2004


David Walter “Dave” Simpson

            May 20, 1944 -


Joseph William “Joe” Slyva, Jr. (Reverend)  [64]

            September 23, 1944 - February 20, 2009


Steven F. “Steve” Smith

            August 22, 1944 -


Marcia Anne Sutherland (Pesinger)                [60]

             October 5, 1944 - October 19, 2004


Cameron M. “Cam” Tholl                               [47]

             September 4, 1944 - January, 1992


Jeffery R. “Jeff” Thorn           

            August 4, 1944 -


Barry Sturdevant Timson                                [62]

            August 10, 1944 - April 15, 2007


David Philip “Dave” Wallace

            October 26, 1944 -


Donald H. “Don” Wallace                              [66]

             December 5, 1944 - May 31, 2011


Eugene V. “Gene” Zaffini                                [56]

            February 6, 1944 - September 1, 2000



From: frances thompson <>
To: Bob Kimball <>; Karen Kimball <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2012 4:12 AM
Subject: Thanks!


Dear Bob and Karen --

A thousand thanks for all the things you did to make the reunion so wonderful for me and all our classmates. From all your efforts to keep in communication with classmates to the planning committee to being the web master to hosting and tour guiding -- you have both done it all! I'm sure that keeping the contact list up to date is a full-time job in itself. And the class website has been such fun; I have enjoyed reading about the lives of people I knew and people I didn't. And the events that you two and the committee planned had such a nice progression about them. Friday it was fun to re-connect with people I have seen over the years and many I have not; it was a real challenge to try to match faces with those nametag photos from 1962! I especially enjoyed the bus tour on Saturday. The library was always a special haunt of mine, and I lingered there after the tour to enjoy the atmosphere of the old Wyeth room. I appreciated your commentary, Bob, about the changes to the town and the skyrocketing real estate prices as we rode around. It was a treat to tour the high school with a current student, and your questions, Bob, prompted some good details from him. Karen, it was fun to reminisce with you about the old gymnastics shows, complete with gold paint, to hear about your children and grandchildren, and to hear of your visits with Karin Einert Naumann in Berlin. The Saturday dinner was so exquisitely planned and carried out. The setting was beautiful, the memorial touching, the food delicious, and the trivia game fun and involving. And the Sunday brunch was a quiet opportunity to touch base once more and say fond farewells to old and new friends. I so enjoyed time with people like Jeanie, with whom I have kept in touch, but also with others I haven't seen in 50 years, and it was delightful to meet people I had never known in our class but whom I really liked and appreciated. So -- a huge "thank you" to you two for all the time, worry, planning, managing, juggling, diplomacy, expertise, communicating, writing, calling, mailing, and devotion you have given to me and all our class. It is a great gift to us to keep in touch with people and roots that are important to us.

With love and thanks -- Fran






From: steve bouchet

I hold Bob close to my heart every day ; he was the best big brother anyone could have ever had ; he and I were going to go on a long surfing safari after viet nam ; sadly it didn't work out that way ; he had grown to love surfing and had his board already to be hand made when he got back ; his death changed our family forever ; in so many ways we could never be the same ; I still to this day remember his basketball and track abilities ; the big game at boston garden ! he was an amazing guy ; he; needham ; and so many of you from his high school days will always be with me ; your thoughts on this site are very touching ;thank you ; he was a special guy.......... steve





For those of you looking for photos, I know that one person who took tons of pics is dealing with a family situation thus holding up publishing the pics...  Janet Rosenfeld MacLeod's mother passed away on tuesday morning, so it certainly will be a while before she gets to even look at her pics. 



I have asked class creator for methods of uploading our pics.





NHS 50thReunion Final Report
Through the generous eyes of classmates of a certain age, we all looked great. We greeted one another as friends, and we relished every moment of this magical reunion. The question on everyone?s lips was: ?How did you spend your life??After 50 years, we really did have lives to describe, tales to tell, and memories to share. At NHS, during the dawn of the sixties, we discovered how to be and how to think and how to greet the world and one another. To return to Needham and to reunite with so many glorious souls who now possess a half century?s worth of life experiences and wisdom and humor and perspective was an emotional and enriching adventure indeed. The In Memoriam poster, so exquisitely rendered by Karen Grinnell, recalled the fire and the spirit of the classmates we have lost. We placed 46 candles by the poster, one for each person; we remembered and paid tribute to these dear friends.
Friday Evening: With the lanyards crafted for us by Sharon Cohen Fradkin and her husband Steve around our necks, we began the weekend with a festive Pizza Party at the old VFW hall orchestrated by Billy and Ellie Herd. And so it began: the conversations, the greetings, the squinting at the nametags, the re-greeting of people more than once (short term memory loss seemed to be a shared dilemma), the hugging, the shrieking, the unleashing of everything that happened in elementary school or junior high or high school, and the viewing of Rodney Kunath?s stupendous slide show (shown again at the banquet) were harbingers of great things to come. Rodney?s labor of love took him 3 to 4 months to pull together.
Saturday Morning: After a 5:30 a.m. fire alarm at the Sheraton Hotel, an unexpected additional bonding experience for the out of town classmates, we assembled at 9 a.m. at the new Needham Public Library for doughnut holes and coffee. After a bit, we boarded a spiffy bus with comfortable seats and began our tour of the 2012 Town of Needham. Bob Kimball regaled the crowd with the rather alarming number of teardowns and McMansions and real estate prices that would have boggled the minds of our parents. Jeanie Eaton Goddard had prepared a handout with a list of all the stores that no longer existed and the few stores that have hung on through the years. Students can still buy their notebooks and pencils at Taylor?s Stationery, but they are sadly deprived of the joy of purchasing irregular underwear at Calvert?s. The bus passed by all our elementary schools, the playing fields and other haunts of our youth, and we even burst our way into the Needham Dump, now called the Needham Recycling and Transfer Station. Our last stop was the Webster Street entrance to the new Needham High School. Charming NHS students guided us through the building and impressed us with the amazing new facilities. Square dancing for phys ed is but a memory; spinning and yoga classes entice the students now. Many of us were relieved that the frightful bloomers we used to wear for gym no longer humiliate NHS girls.
Saturday Evening: The main event, an event that drew over 100 classmates (including a large contingent of our Dover buddies) was a lovely dinner at the new Needham Golf Club. Paul Bloh, our host, gave the welcome and kicked off the evening. We continued our conversations with even more people; we perused the memorabilia table (Advocatesgalore, Even a Rag Like This, old photos, et al); we just couldn?t get enough of visiting and reconnecting with old and new friends. Even the spouses and significant others leapt into the fray and shared the great energy of the evening. Rob Page and Jeanie EatonGoddard presided over a Class of 1962 Trivia Contest, and the competition was fierce. No one could remember the names of our three formal dances (Tara?senior prom, Harbor Lights?junior prom, and most alarming of all, Pretty in Pink?freshman hop), but everyone remembered where we bought those wretched gym suits (Perlin?s). Door prizes for the most tattoos (4--a number we had to take on faith because we were given not a jot of proof), the youngest child (age 5), the oldest grandchild (age 24), the highest mountain climbed, the person who lives farthest from the NHS cafeteria (Norway),S cafeteria (NorwayorHS and many other categories were presented to eager classmates. Rodney?s slides cheered us all again, as did the accompanying commentary by Wayne Hills. The food was fabulous, and the hot fudge sundaes with jimmies brought us back to afternoons spent at Brigham?s. The drawing for a truly gorgeous painting of Needham High School by Jean PachecoRavinski brought the evening to a close.
Sunday Morning: Our final event was a lovely brunch at the new Olin College organized by Janet Rosenfeld MacLeod. These last few hours enabled us to meet and greet even more people, to talk about our families, and to discover even more about the extraordinary range of careers and adventures that we have all had. We felt a bit like memory sherpas for one another---people would say, ?remember when?? and their friends would say, ?I haven?t a clue.? Leaving was hard.
The entire weekend was a revelation for us all, and we owe Bob and Karen Kimball a great debt for being the glue that holds our class together. Their enormous commitment to our reunions is deep, and these three glory days would not have happened without them. The stalwart reunion committee provided support, filled all the gaps, and kept the events rolling. Please go to Class Creator for photos:
We missed all of you who were unable to come, and we crave your presence at our next opportunity to be together. Mark your calendar; the year 2017 is not so far away.
Respectfully, submitted,
Jeanie Eaton Goddard



According to most the reunion was a huge success.   The committee was very pleased with how it all unfolded.


John Gibson won the door prize, a painting of the front of the "A" building by famed artist and '62 alum Jean Pacheco Ravinski.   Jeanie Eaton Goddard and Bob Page co-hosted Saturday evening and produced a '62 trivia game about Needham with lots of prizes.   Rod Kunath presented an extensive slide show of our high school years.   Paul Bloh welcomed the class each evening as our CEO.   Karlene Grinnell won the prize for travelling the furthest--from Norway.   Ellie Cranston Herd won a prize for the most tattos--3.   We all ate tooooo much.


The pizza party and the brunch were very well received and proved to be lots of fun.   Many of us feel tonight that we do not need to talk for the next week or even month as we did more in 3 days than we can believe.   And how about those hugs??  And all that kissing...


The general feeling was that we were super lucky to have grown up in Needham and that we have weathered pretty well.


Watch for a little review in your emails in the next few days...


Anyone wanting a class list with contact info please e-mail me at:


We plan to have a memorabelia (sp) table so please bring a few things for classmates to enjoy.



109 classmates by my count

Attendees at class of ’62 reunion:


Karen Grinnell Hawkins

Karlene Grinnell

Jeanie Eaton Goddard

Brooks Goddard*

Russ Bone

Janet Rosenfeld MacLeod

Skip MacLeod*

James Jenkins

Anne Jenkins*

Bob Campbell

Kathy Campbell*

Jeff Goodwin

Barb Moore*

Jean Pacheco Ravinski

Peter Stynes

Dave Eckhardt

Jeanne Hanke Mason

Dave Mason*

Bob Chase

Gratia Chase*

Sally Gerlach Kahn

Carol Ehrets Emin

Daniel Emin*


Karen Patitz McGraw

Joe McGraw*

Ken Joy

Judy Carroll Joy

Martha Burgess Kroch

Hank Greeley

Sue Reynolds Fitchett

Robert Fitchett*

Paul Bloh

Linda Bloh*

Fran Donoghue Thompson

Jackie Brown Denning

Charlie Butters

Eleanor Slyva Keating

Portia Smith Carmichael

Eric Remsen

Carolyn Blakely MacKay

Karen Mutzfeld Kimball

Bob Kimball

Nick Fiorentino

Mary Belmonte*

Dick Witz

Marilyn Croucher Brunton

Gregg Silloway*

Bob St. Germain

Sharon Cohen Fradkin

Ginny McGee Stevens

Russ King*

Marcia Golembeski

Betsey Loomis Whitney

Bill Nelson

Joan Marsilli Heckel

Randy Fox

Marcie Colpas

Tom Doolin

Sue Sisco Huskins

Walter Huskins*

Greg Nealand

Teri Nealand*

Mary Lynn Shiring O’Brien

Jon Kirkland

Dick Tomaino

Terri Tomaino*

Chick Stata

Paula Stata*

Jeanne Kirkland

Judy McIntosh Carr

Bill Carr*

Wendy Wallace Bellavance

Penny Monsein Rhodes

Sherry Toner Cooper

Tom Cooper*

Ann Smith

Paul Ardito

Diane Marks Huff

Brad Huff*

Mary Stein Leahy

Charles Leahy*

Karen Paulson Buchanan-Parker

Steve Buchanan-Parker*

Gail Thomas

Carmen Reppucci

Paula Duggan*



Kathy Vogel Ismail

Shailer Cummings

Eugenia Cummings*

Jeanne Slaney Peterson

Patrick Peterson*

Ginni Dwyer Clifford

Rod Kunath

Kathy Bosler

Steve McCarthy

Janet Fields Horne

Steve Mahoney

James Turbayne

Barry Maddix

Lynne Maddix*

Dick Mason

Jennifer Mason*

Larry Baker

Karen Baker*

Ellie Cranton Herd

Bill Herd

Janet Ford Kelleher

Dennis Kelleher*

Steve Challis

Susan Challis*

Diane Strong Taylor

Rog Taylor*

Marcia MacTavish Syer

Marcia Whittemore Glode

Bob Carter

Phil Hopkinson

Jane Hopkinson*

Joe Catalano

Guy Provenzano

Dorothea Provenzano*

George Loveland

Carol Loveland*

Roberta Sutcliffe Mathis

Jeff Smith

Sue Smith*

Carolyn McIver

Dale Wise

Sally Wise*

Walter Colby

Lucina Dutton Colby

Barbara Ackerson Vogler

Bob Page

Slyvia Smith Danskin

Keith Danskin*

Vic Hood

Judy Simington*

Paul Bailey

Carol Bailey*

Peter Hinden

Linda Larrabee Rhodes

John Carlson

Jane MacFate Robison

Bruce MacWilliams

Andrea Morgan

John Gibson

Sandy Gibson*

Charlotte Bowmar Porreca

Ken Bosselman

Collette Wood Goodman

Allan Goodman*











*= guests



August 3


as of today the following have signed up to attend our 50th reunion.   it's not too late to sign up so if someone you want to reconnect with is not listed here, contact me and i will give you their contact info:


























Diane Strong Taylor is found in NM

just had contact with jean mclaughlin bates

found phil worsman in NC

found bonnie campbell mattiello in FL

found joanne mantenuto--deceased


have a track on jean mclaughlin and bob quance but do not have contact yet




Add Jeff Owen to the missing



Add Jeff Owen to the missing





Phil Worsman found in NC



Bonnie Campbell Mattiello found in naples, fl after being missing for decades

The reunion committee met yesterday (6-12) and we firmed up a number of things and reported on progress.   We are on track and reservations are now arriving daily.   Our final meeting will be on Aug 21.





phil worsman has now been added to the missing list...

Patricia A Donovan St Pierre is now added to our missing list..  any suggestions??

i may have found charlie draper in ME----6-2-12

6-6-12--unfortunately he is deceased



After hours of searching, the following classmates are considered missing.   If you have any thoughts or knowledge of or about them, please let us know:






CLINT BROWN-- found at the cape

BONNIE CAMPBELL Mattiello--found in FL



Patricia Donovan St. Pierre







Jeff Owen

FORREST PREBLE--is in Australia--brother finding him for us








Phil Worsman--found in NC


As of today, may 16, 2012, all of the reservation forms have been e-mailed or sent via US mail to all classmates.



A nice way to honor those who have passed away is to write something about them in the "In Memory" section.


Just click on their name and type away







MORE details to follow.   We hope to plan several activities over that weekend to make it fun for everyone.


We need everyone's e mail addresses and current mailing addresses, so keep them coming.

The reunion committee met for about 2 hours yesterday at the Needham Library to review and update the plans for the weekend of September 14, 2012.   We have some exciting plans to share with you and will be emailing each of you in the next couple of weeks (by feb 1) with the situation as it stands now.   Some plans are still being developed and we will share these with you.

I can tell you that the Needham Sheraton will be our official reunion headquarters for out of town folks and they will be setting aside rooms for us.    The Needham Golf Club is all signed up for the main event on Saturday night.

We look forward to seeing as many as possible.





50 Years....tell me it's not true!