How To Use This Web Site

Click here for Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

If you are new to the website, please read this page.  It will answer your questions on how to join your classmates, get a password, create a profile and how to access the website.   If you are already a member, there is information here that might address any questions you have.

This website is completely free to our classmates and verified guest members.  You will never be asked to pay to join or to use our website, to create and share your profile, to be able to access web site pages or other member profiles, or to communicate with other classmates.
If you would like to donate towards the maintenance of this site, we welcome your donations. There are yearly fees from Class Creator, the company which hosts our web site, and for reserving our internet name, but donations are not required to access and use our site. 

If you have not already done so, you will need to register on our web site and create your personal ID, password, Contact Information, and Member Profile in order to access any pages on this site which are restricted to registered members.  Start by clicking on "JOIN HERE" in the top right of the home page. This will take you to a page with names of Classmates and Guests who have not registered yet - including yours.  Classmates from the class of '58 are listed at the top and guests are listed at the bottom.  Find your name, click on it, and follow the instructions to create your Contact Information and Profile.

Your email address and the password that you enter during this process will be used as your login ID and password.  During the registration process you can personalize your Profile with school stories, life after school stories, photos, videos, and current news.  And any tme later, you can update any of your information by clicking on Edit Profile on the left-side menu.  We encourage you to join many of us who have already done so, and to update your profile question answers and profile photos regularly.

If you have not already registered with our web site and do not find your name on the Missing/Non-Registered page, please click on the "Contact Us" option on the left-side menu to let us know.  We welcome Classmates who were in our class through the years but did not graduate with us.  If you are associated with our class as a teacher, school official, another class close to ours, or have a spouse in our class, we can provide you with a Guest Member account. Contact Us if you wish to obtain Guest Member access for our site.

If you are already a registered member of this website, and are having trouble trying to log in, there is a password reset feature to click on in the log in box: it's called "Forgot Password?".  If you're trying to log in and can't remember your password, entering your email address and clicking on "Forgot Password" will send a message to your email address on record with instructions on how to reset your password.

If you have previously registered with our site but can't remember the email address you used to register, click on the Contact Us menu option in the menu on the left to let us know so we can reset your login to your current email address.

Once you join our site, create a Member Profile, and your identity has been verified, you will be able to view the Profiles of your fellow classmates and guests and interact with them, exchange messages, post comments, upload pictures and videos, participate in surveys, and take advantage of all the other options available to registered members.  For more information on available features and things you can do, check out the "Tips & Tricks" page under the Web Site Instructions menu.

If you clicked on "Rember Me" in the Login Box when you logged in, the web site will not ask you to log in next time when you access our site from the same computer.  You can still log in from computers other than your home computer but you will need to enter your email address and password.  If the program you use to access the internet clears 'cookies' and temporary internet files on your computer when you exit from the program, you may have to enter your email address and password when you log in - even though you checked "Remember Me".

If you change your email address, home address, or phone number, please update those in your Contact Information so we have your correct information at all times.  While not visible to other classmates, the web site administrators may need to use that information if we need to contact you.

All contact information that you enter into this website will be kept confidential.  It will not be shared or distributed.  Your contact information is private: your address, phone number, and personal email address can't be seen by other classmates or anyone but you and the web site administrators unless you duplicate any of that information you wish to share in the Viewable Contact Infomation question/answer box in your profile - which can only be seen by logged in web site members.  When someone clicks on your name, the only contact information they will see is your city and state, and whatever information about yourself you choose to share in your Profile's question/answer boxes.

When your email address is not visible to other classmates, they can send you a private message by using the "Send a Private Message to _____" at the top left of your Profile, and you can send them a message using the "Send a Private Message to _____" at the top of their Profile.  Note that these messages are kept totally within this web site, and are not visible to anyone but the sender and the recipient.  When you send a private message to someone, they will not be given your email address.  They will receive a notification email from the web site reminding them that there is a new message in their Message Center.  They will need to log in to the website and check the Message Center to read and respond to any waiting messages.

In order to ensure you will receive email from this website (example: notices of messages from other classmates, web site changes or reunion notices), please 'whitelist' the email address which is the sender address for all site generated email.  You can not reply directly to these emails, but can respond to most site generated emails by clicking on a link in the email or by logging in and checking your Message Center or whatever page you were notified about. 

FYI: "Whitelist" is the general term for allowing an email to always be delivered to your inbox when it's from a trusted sender's email address - regardless of the subject line or content contained within the email. Depending on what internet mail company handles your personal email, "Whitelist" is also sometimes referred to as a "Safe List", "Contact List",  "Approved Senders List", or "Address Book".   This may be at Hotmail, Gmail, AOL, or wherever your incoming email is initially received.  When you and your Classmates 'Whitelist' the sender address, messages from our web site which might have been tagged as spam by overly picky spam filters will now be delivered straight to your inbox every time.  For more about "Whitelisting" and some instructions, click [HERE]

Please note the Class Creator system and this web site do not send spam mail of any kind, or any mail in catagories you have not chosen to receive by setting your Notify Me options.

Please check back with our web site regularly.  The Home Page is where current information is located and where announcements are made.  New pages which can be accessed from the left-side menus are added and existing pages are updated from time to time, so come check with us often.

Most of all, enjoy and have fun with our website!



What is the purpose of this website?

This is my first visit to the website.  How do I login?

I forgot my login information and/or password.  What should I do?

Can I join the site even if I don't plan to attend a reunion?

Who has access to my "Classmate Profile" and personal contact information?

What are examples of the emails that I may receive?

Can I be notified when other Classmates update their "Classmate Profile?"

Does the public or other Classmates have access to my email address?

Can I post my own photos or videos on the website?

Does Class Creator rent, sell, or in any way profit from having our Classmates' names, addresses, and personal information?  How does it make its money?


What is the purpose of this website?

This site was originally created to connect with as many of our Classmates as we could find, in order to coordinate our 50th reunion.  However, we've continued to support our site since it serves a dual purpose. allowing all of us to reconnect with each other and re-establish and maintain old friendships.  So, not only is the site used for coordinating reunions, it's here to pass along current information about our class and for all of our members who want to stay in touch with the rest of our classmates.

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This is my first visit to the website.  How do I login?

Please click on "Join Here" in the login box at the top right on the home page. Then find and click on YOUR NAME to set up a FREE member account.  Provide your email address and create a password (which you can change at any time).  Add your married name, if applicable, along with contact information such as street address, city, state, and phone number.  Only the site administrators can view your Contact Information details.  You will also be asked to fill in your 'Profile' where you can enter some additional personal info like spouse name, kids and grandkids, etc.  Profile infomation is viewable by registered and logged in classmates and guests - but not by outsiders, search engines, etc.

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I forgot my login information and/or password.  What should I do?

You log in to our web site by entering the email address you provided during your member account set up (including the domain name, such as  If you have several email addresses and can't remember which one you used, or if you no longer have access to that email address, click on "Contact Us" in the left-side menus to let us know the email address you wish to use.  Your website administrators will make the change for you.
If you remember your email address but forgot your password, enter your email address and then click on the "Forgot Password?" link right above the green "Log On" button on the Log In box.  The website will email password reset instructions to your email address on record.

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Can I join the site even if I don't plan attend a reunion?

Of Course.  Even if you do not plan to attend a reunion, there are old friends here that would love to see what you've been up to, and would like to reconnect with you.  That's one of the primary purposes of this web site.

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Who has access to my "Classmate Profile" and personal contact information?

Your "Classmate Profile" is not publicly viewable (e.g., by other classes, friends, search engines, and the general public).  Viewing your Profile is restricted to only verified  classmates and Guests registered on this web site.  And even for registered members, the only personal contact information displayed is the city and state in which you live - unless you have duplicated some of that information in the Viewable Contact Info box in your profile for all logged in classmates and guests (and only logged in classmates and guests) to see.

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Does the public or other Classmates have access to my email address?

No.  To protect your privacy, the work or home email address you furnished is only stored within the website so the site can notify you of any changes you've chosen to be notified about.  You can decide if you want to share your personal email address with your classmates and guests (and only verified classmates and guests) to see by adding it in the Viewable Contact Information box in your Profile.

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What are examples of the emails that I may receive?

You may receive emailed information about new website features or added/updated pages, details about upcoming class reunions or events, general announcements, classmate birthdays, profile updates, and other important news.  Click on "Notify Me" in the Member Functions menu to select (or opt out of) each notification type so you only receive the messages you wish to see.  Read the next question to see how to choose additional notify options.

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Can I be notified when other Classmates update their "Classmate Profile?"

YES!  Click on "Notify Me" in the Member Functions menu, scroll down to see the list of classsmates, and check those you wish to follow as their birthday comes up, when they make changes in their profiles, or others leave comments in their profile.  Or you can click on "Follow NAME" at the top of any classmate's profile to accomplish the same thing for that classmate.  You will be notified by email any time there's a change to one of the profiles you're following.  And if they turned on the option in their profile to let us show their birthday, you'll be notified when their birthday rolls around.

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Can I post my own photos or videos on the website?

Yes!  You can upload a current photo of yourself, your family, pets, vacations, your ex, your boat, old photos from days gone by, past reunions, etc. -- anything you want to share -- by clicking on "Edit Profile" under the Member Functions menu on the left and then clicking on the Photo icon at the top right of your profile.  See "Upload Photos" on the Tips & Tricks page.  There is no limit on the number of digital photos that you can store in the Photo Gallery on your Profile page.  Each uploaded photo is automatically resized to fit on your Profile page.  You can also link to videos posted on YouTube or Vimeo by clicking on the "Edit Profile" menu choice, clicking on the "Videos" icon at the top right of your profile, and following the instructions.  And of course, you can add, delete, or replace your own photos or videos at any time.

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Does Class Creator rent, sell, or in any way profit from having our Classmates' names, addresses, and personal information?  How does it make its money?

No.  Class Creator does not rent or sell any Classmate information or engage in any marketing or solicitation to Classmates.  All personal contact information is strictly confidential.  We pay Class Creator a fee to host our web site and to keep our web site address active, but our website is owned by our classmates -- not by Class Creator.

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