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•   Cindy DeLuco (Traficante)  6/7
•   Angela Fabbozzi (Felix)  11/3
•   Yvonne Santucci  3/29
•   Diane Gales (Richard)  1/13
•   Lynne Kuczynski (Veazie)  10/7
•   Barbara Wirth (Walker)  6/16
•   Pamela Chianelli  6/13
•   Eileen Boncuk (Fisher)  6/4
•   Mary DeVito (Francis)  6/3
•   Janet Szambelan (Lutz)  5/18
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

2 live in Florida
1 lives in Illinois
1 lives in New York
2 live in North Carolina
1 lives in Ohio
38 live in Pennsylvania
1 lives in South Carolina
2 live in Texas
1 lives in Virginia
2 live in West Virginia
1 lives in Ontario
1 lives in Saskatchewan
1 lives in United Kingdom
2 location unknown


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St Raphael High School
Class Of 1971

Welcome to the St. Raphael High Class Of 1971 web site. Here we can exchange information, post memories of our days at St. Raphael School and plan our upcoming 40th High School Reunion. This can be great fun with your participation. Sign in, tell us about yourself, your family and what you have been doing for the past 40 years! Then tell other classmates to sign on, too. It's a great way to keep in touch.....and it's free! Check in often to read the latest updates.


Thank you for the lovely thank-you notes I've been receiving and especially for the donations to keep the website going!  If everybody contributes some, a few won't have to fund the whole thing!  Donations so far:

  1. Kathy Conn Lyons                                $10.00
  2. Jane Stadolnik Endrich                            10.00
  3. Paula Martin Mong                                  20.00
  4. Joyce Caliendo Reinoso                          36.00
  5. Judy Moran Sadowski                             30.00
  6. Colleen Preston Rush                             10.00
  7. Linda Ritchie Banaszewski                      40.00
  8. Barb Cserer Wassell                               20.00 
  9. Eileen Mazza Ross                             15.00     
  10. Janet Szambelan Lutz                        10.00        

Thanks so much for your help!!!  Total to date $201.00

I'll update the list as more checks come in.  Maintaining the website costs $97 a year!

Remember to upload your photos, or email them to me and I'll do it for you!


Well, the reunion may be history but I think everyone had a great time!  Check the photo gallery for the pictures I upload.  Please send me any that you took or upload them yourselves.  I really enjoyed seeing everyone!  Thanks for coming everyone!


Okay, we're counting down the hours now... here's a list of everyone who came!

Judy Moran Sadowski
Lydianne Cucciardo
Eileen Mazza Ross
Barb Cserer Wassell
Rose Lawton Williams
Linda Ritchie Banaszewski
Paula Martin Mong
Sr. Juanita
Kay DiNardo Giarrusso
Jane Stadolnik Endrich
Janet Szambelan Lutz
Joyce Caliendo Reinoso
Diane Gales Richard
Maureen Evangelista Davis
Colleen Preston Rush
Kathy Kelly Przydzial
Roberta Santella Kromka
Justina Harris Donnell
Beth Murphy Kearney
Karen Coyne Hazel (Karen  could not make it due to the death of her father-in-law) 
Pam Chianelli
Louise Gray
Elizabeth Chmill (no show)
Sandy Moore Quinn
Patti Pirt
Rita Mannke Green
Marianne Ortoleva Bianco
Nina Swidowski (no show)
Marlene Ricci Eckenrode

Invitations were mailed on April 2nd... watch your mailbox for yours and get those RSVPs in before you forget!!! 

See you on June 25th!

