First Flight Society

December 16 & 17, 2019
Kill Devil Hills, NC

With all of us having been in the Air Force, we all have a love for airplanes, to at least some extent.
Here is your chance to celebrate Orville and Wilbur Wright's "FIRST" flight.

Colonel Gail Halvorsen (AKA - Berlin Airlift Candy Bomber) was the featured award recipient and received some very prestigious awards.

Col Halvorsen turned 99 years young on October 10, but he is still going strong.
Hopefully Col Halvorsen's health and the weather will be in everyone's favor.


I had the honor and pleasure of meeting Colonel Gail S. Halvorsen and his family. Outstanding ambassadors for our country.
I have listed the information below about a petition for
The Presidential Medal of Freedom for Col Halvorsen
for his actions during the Berlin Airlift, 1947-1949.
Gail S. Halvorsen Aviation Education Foundation
Here's a version that you can share without the attachments:
Dear Candy Bomber Friends: Please take a minute to send an email to President Trump voicing your support for Gail Halvorsen to receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom. You can contact the White House Staff at and use the on-line email form. Under message type, select "Contact the President" and at the bottom of the form type a short message of support for Colonel Gail Halvorsen, the Berlin Candy Bomber, to receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom. As you can see, this is a bi-partisan effort since the entire congressional delegation from Utah has signed on to this proposal. Utah Governor Gary Herbert has also sent a letter of support to the White House. could send the President a Tweet at his Twitter account @realDonaldTrump. He reads his Twitter feed regularly. Use the hashtag #PMOFforTheCandyBomber
The Presidential Medial of Freedom
I can't think of any other person, more acceptable of this outstanding award.


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Spirit of Freedom    C-54

This helps support this wonderful organization in celebrating the Wright Brothers being the First in Flight.     
(Hint: If attending, there are great benefits being a member. I will tell you about those later).
If you do join the First Flight Society, include in your application, friend of Stan Miller.

ENROUTERS / GUESTS  ATTENDING  December 16 & 17 Events
Stan Miller    (1)
Deb Murphy  (1)
Mr. & Mrs. Thom Miller  (VIP) Former SEA  of Rhein Main AB  (2)
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Greene   (2)
Mr. & Mrs. Mike (Deb) Clark   (2)                            8 Folks           

We had the honor and privilage of meeting Col Halvorsen and his family.
They are truly Ambassadors for our country.

Gail S. Halvorsen, COL, USAF, Ret

On December 17, 2019 the First Flight Society will honor Colonel Gail S. Halvorsen as the latest aviation pioneer inducted into the Paul E. Garber First Flight Shrine.  Col Halvorsen was selected to represent all the flight and support crews that participated in the WWII Berlin Airlift for 15 months in 1948 and 1949, a joint operation including members of the U.S. Air Force, U.S. Navy, Britain's Royal Air Force and U.S. Army Transport Command. 

Berlin Airlift, lasting 15 months in 1948 – 1949 as part of a joint operation including members of the U.S. Air Force, U.S. Navy, British Royal Air Force  and U.S. Army Transport Command. 

Colonel Halvorsen, officer and command pilot, has received numerous awards for his role in “Little Vittles”.  Halvorsen has also received numerous awards and recognition by civic and State organizations for his missionary and volunteer work.  Best known as the original “Candy Bomber”  flying C-47’s and C-54’s  during the Berlin Airlift his military and humanitarian career advocated for candy drops in like conflicts in many other countries.  Professionally, he has held many notable positions including helping develop reusable manned aircraft at the Directorate of Space and Technology, commander of Berlin Tempelhof Airport, and service at military bases around the world.

Born October 10, 1920 Halvorsen grew up in rural Utah and Idaho.  He earned his private pilot license under the Civilian Pilot Training Program in 1941 and almost immediately joined the Civil Air Patrol as a pilot.  He joined the US Army Air Corps in 1942 and retired in 1974.

The Dare County Regional Airport will host the annual recreation of Colonel Halvorsen’s candy drop on December 16. (Time: TBD)

On December 17th visitors will once again thrill at the traditional flyover at the Wright Brothers Memorial Monument in memory of those “12 seconds that changed the world”.

** See this link for more on Gail Halvorsen, COL, USAF, Ret


I thought you would enjoy seeing this.  Its about 2 1/2 minutes long. Very interesting.
Col Halvorsen

Festival of Remembrance 2019 - BERLIN BLOCKADE


Wright Brother Monument - where the first plane took off down the hill.

I believe, this is site of the first runway.  (I don't see the rail in the ground, used to help keep them straight)
You can see the Atlantic Ocean in the background.
You can also see, Orville and Wilbur's work shop - 2 wood buildings.

The Wright Flyer and Wright's Maintenance Workshops

This section was from LAST YEAR --- 2018