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•   Bob Myers  7/16
•   Steve Davis  7/2
•   Don Karpowich  5/21
•   Jeffery Reichert  5/21
•   Duane Holman  5/20
•   Neil Bonner  3/12
•   Norman Storns  3/11
•   David Rave  2/14
•   Robert Berdys  1/9
•   Joseph Buehler  1/6
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

12 live in Alabama
3 live in Alaska
19 live in Arizona
5 live in Arkansas
1 lives in Armed Forces Americas
2 live in Armed Forces Europe
27 live in California
18 live in Colorado
3 live in Connecticut
9 live in Delaware
63 live in Florida
35 live in Georgia
4 live in Idaho
25 live in Illinois
14 live in Indiana
1 lives in Iowa
4 live in Kansas
7 live in Kentucky
3 live in Louisiana
3 live in Maine
5 live in Maryland
8 live in Massachusetts
19 live in Michigan
10 live in Minnesota
6 live in Mississippi
7 live in Missouri
3 live in Montana
4 live in Nebraska
13 live in Nevada
1 lives in New Hampshire
11 live in New Jersey
5 live in New Mexico
16 live in New York
17 live in North Carolina
1 lives in North Dakota
22 live in Ohio
6 live in Oklahoma
9 live in Oregon
18 live in Pennsylvania
15 live in South Carolina
4 live in South Dakota
15 live in Tennessee
54 live in Texas
1 lives in Utah
1 lives in Vermont
12 live in Virginia
35 live in Washington
1 lives in West Virginia
11 live in Wisconsin
4 live in Wyoming
1 lives in Australia
18 live in Germany
477 location unknown


•   Jose Jimenez  9/18
•   Derek Harris  9/20
•   David Wayman  9/20
•   Richard (Rick) Chase  9/21
•   Timothy (Tim) Strickland  9/21
•   John Leonard  9/22
•   Charles Perry  9/23
•   Larry Wimbrow  9/25
•   Kenneth Gunn  9/26
•   Vincent Partridge  9/26
•   Timothy Wahl  9/26
•   Martin Beard  9/27
•   Tony Litwin  9/27
•   Peter Muschke  9/27
•   Carla Sedoris (Brumbeloe)  9/27
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Know the email address of a missing Member? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined Members: 51.6%

A:   567   Joined
B:   531   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


Support our site! If you would like to support this web site please click the Donate button below. Donations can be made by PayPal, or with a regular credit card if you do not have a PayPal account.

OUR 2023 Rhein Main Air Base Reunion is now in the history books.

If you missed this reunion, you truly missed a great reunion.
Stay tuned for upcoming information on our next Reunion.

Due to the time put into planning a reunion,
we don't have any reunions planned at this time. 

We will post, once we do.

2023 Veteran's Celebration Week
Rhein Main Air Base Reunion
November 5-11, 2023
Branson, Missouri

(Please join our Facebook page to stay up-to-date on plans and activities)


Carole Lail / Stanley Miller
Rhein Main Air Base Reunion Group


Rhein Main Veterans/Alumni

Many THANKS to the Rhein Main alumini listed below for their generous donations in support of this website.  These donations ensure we can keep this web site free of advertisements!

Most reunion groups charge their members reunion dues/fees.  We don't charge any type of fee for our reunions or membership, so are dependent on donations to pay for many of the "behind the scenes" costs of our reunions.

Reunion Donors
Basiorka, L
Dick, L
Fessler, B
Grasso, M
Gunn, K

Hjulberg, T 
Jacobson, T
Johnson, F 
Meyer, M 
Miller, S
Patterson, K
Scharven, C
Siemer, R
Tidwell, R
Torres, L

Trempala, S
Vetters, P
von Arx, G
Valentine, J