Will & Testament

Last Will & Testament as recorded in Sandprints 1960

Bucky Adams, do leave my ability to argue about everything to Harold Thomas.

Bill Adams, do leave my wrecked Volkswagon to anyone able to drive it.

Linda Arnold, do leave to join Butch

Gary Ashworth, do leave my ability to take Physical Education for two years to anyone who can get away with it.

George Auman, do leave my contact lens to anyone who finds them lying around on the basketball court.

Barbara Baker, do leave my short hair to Judy Stewart.

Phyllis Barbee, do leave my suit to Mrs. Dusenbury.

Druscilla Beal, do leave my "A" average to Cora Stack.

Jean Beal, do leave my love for Tennessee boys to anyone who appreciates them.

Hilda Bennett, do leave the office to anyone who wants it first period.

James Blalock, do leave my job at Pokey's to my dear little brother.

Mike Bost, do leave my ability to sleep in class to anyone who can get away with it.

Hal Bowling, do leave my gambling ways to Robert Smith.

Frankie Boyd, do leave my quiet ways to Johnny Dalrymple.

Mary Bradlely, do leave my ability to understand jokes to the Sophmore girls.

Sam Bradsher, do leave  a certain Junior girl - much to my sorrow.

Joe Brannon, do leave my wrecking ability to George Jackson.

Kay Brannon, do leave my dancing ability (especially after ball games) to Judy Cameron.

Priscilla Brown, do leave my pleasing personality to Lan Kea.

Douglas Bullard, do leave my love for Spanish to Larry "Twinkle Toes" McCrae.

Betty Jo Cameron, do leave my love for little blue Easter eggs to a certain Deep River girl.

Aleane Stewart Campbell, do leave to keep house.

Charles Carter, do leave my mother behind at good ole C.H.S.

Jeff Cartier, do leave my Yankee accent to Eddie Lind.

Gail Christian, do leave my bow legs to anyone who looks as cute with them as I.

Tom Clegg, do leave my shyness to R.B. Lemmond; he needs it.

Pat Clewis, do leave my many hair colors to anyone who wants to be that different.

Becky Coggin, do leave my ability for getting boys' rings to Kay Cheshire.

Elizabeth Coggins, do leave my Chauffeur's license to anyone who needs it.

Mavis Collier, do leave my nickname "Tiny" to Gail Thornton.

Joan Craig, do leave my singing ability to my sister.

Suzanne Craven, do leave my stage-fright to anyone who can overcome it.

Joe Crimmins, do leave my purple car to anyone who can live with it.

Mary Jo Crutchfield, do leave my red hair and freckles to Pat Homesley.

Ronald Currin, do leave my "talkative ways" to Sammy Brown.

Raymond Dalrymple, do leave my ballads to anyone with enough nerve to sing them over the intercom.

Richard Dalrymple, do leave my dancing ability to Bobby Boyd and Donnie Gray.

Frances Davis, do leave my position as Chief Cheerleader to one of the Deserving Juniors.

Vance Davis, do leave my mischievous ways to Lynn Flemming.

Richard Dinkins, do leave my love for cars to Tim Carlyle.

Tommy Dossenbach, do leave my "electronic brain" to Eddie Matthews.

Becky Eads, do leave my sly ways to Polly Byrd.

Ronald Eagle, do leave my nickname behind - gladly.

Sammy Edwards, do leave my nickname "Sage", to anyone able to attain it.

Randy Faulk, do leave my love for tall girls to anyone who can handle them.

Richard Faulk, do leave my position with the basketball team to Johnny Lipscomb.

Bill Fitts, do leave my "pine cones" to anyone who wants them.

Carolyn Foushee, do leave to be closer to a certain "Carolina Gentleman".

John Foushee, do leave my inability to keep my shirt-tail in to Jerry Stephens.

Gene Frekko, do leave my power to memorize to Ralph Meeks.

Larry Furr, do leave my love for Broadway girls to Joe Dan Sloan.

Lois Gales, do leave quietly.

Kenneth Galyon, do leave my seat in Mrs. Kriminger's class to Jimmy Thompson.

Bill Garner, do leave my love for Mr. Hulbert to my brother.

Ella Gaster, do leave my shorthand pad to anyone who can find it.

Jimmy Gibson, do leave in a mad rush - as usual.

Jeanette Gift, do leave my school spirit to Martha 'Dixon.

Imogene Gilliam, do leave my seat on bus 34 to anyone who happens to want a seat on bus 34.

Bill Goins, do leave my ability to talk in class to Ray Watson.

Joan Graham, do leave my happy smile to Carolyn Thomas.

Belle Greene, do leave my shorthand pen to anyone who can use it.

Hanner Griffin, do leave my love for chewing gum to anyone who is looking for it, too.

Jean Groce, do leave my ability to give a book report to anyone who doesn't have time to read the books.

Darrell Gunter, do leave my red hair and freckles to Woody Woodell.

Janet Hackney, do leave my high heels to anyone who catches a tall guy.

Gray Hall, do leave my position on the baseball team to Buddy McNeill.

Tommy Hamilton, do fully leave the quarterback position to R.D. Carson.

Abner Harrington, do leave third period English class, hoping Mr. Odom will survive.

Freda Hartness, do leave my mixed-up mind to anyone who can help straighten it out.

Carol Haug, do leave my love for a good joke to Betty Lou Dew.

Richard Henderson, do finally leave, thank goodness.

Earl Hiatt, do leave my love for cars to Jimmy Coleman.

Dorothy Hight, do leave with Bill.

Gerald Holder, do leave my love for World History to Herbie Goldston.

Betty Hood, do leave my athletic ability to Joan Riddick, my corny jokes I'll keep; I couldn't do without them.

Bobby Hood, do leave my love for women (especially one) to Charlie Hatch.

Sandra Howard, do leave my brain to anyone who can find it.

John Humphrey, do leave my "R.O. Tales" to anyone who can make them up.

Willie Hunt, do leave my witty remarks to Jimmy Ennis.

Clyde Husketh, do leave my love for married life to anyone who can handle it.

Ronald Johnson, do leave my hopped-up car to anyone who can handle it.

Sally Johnson, do leave the F.H.A. to Gloria Cotton.

John Robert Jordan, do leave my ability to make Mr. Packard mad to Buddy Keller.

Judy Keller, do leave my ability to get a whole band out of step to ant majorette who goes with a fraternity brother.

Donnie Kelly, do leave my love for Junior-Seniors to anyone who can remember them.

Garrett Kelly, do leave my love for firecrackers to Tommy Mann,  who should appreciate it.

Homer Kelly, do leave the F.F.A. to R.W. Norman.

Jay Kelly, do leave and take my "angelic ways" with me before Mrs. Carter learns the truth.

Katherine Kelly, do leave my ability to have a good time to Florence McCracken.

Melvin Kelly, do leave, I hope.

Pat Kivette, do leave my stream-lined figure to Kitty Erwin.

Reid Knight, do leave my bully ways to Douglas Pruitt.

Floyd Lineberry, do leave my friendly ways to L.T. Holder.

Carroll Little, do leave my love for Yankee girls to Don Underwood.

Tommy Lloyd, do leave my quietness to Jimmy Pickard.

Peggy Long, do leave my ability to be everywhere at once to my sister, Patsy.

George Loposay, do leave my silly laugh to Ernest Badgett.

Charles Maddox, do leave my school bus in one piece.

Ada Mae Mann, do leave my smile to Nancy McLeod.

Judy Mann, do leave my quiet ways to Carroll Drukemiller.

Larry McDonald, do leave my football ability to Billy Yarborough.

J.D. McDowell, do leave my athletic ability to Franklin Little, hoping he'll make it through the season next year.

Anne McIver, do leave my sense of humor t Tedi Horwath.

Jennie Lou McLeod, do leave my "love" for cigarettes to Judy Dossenbach.

Eddy McNair, do leave my love for science fiction to Jonathan Clark.

David McNeill, do leave the shop to Mr. Hulbert.

Frances Morgan, do leave my love for French to anyone who makes it to second year.

Richard Newsome, do leave my Spanish grades to anyone who needs them.

Linda Nichols, do leave my love for Deep River boys to anyone who can catch them.

Mary Helen Nipper, do leave my love for men to Dale Stephens.

Billy Nunnery, do leave my position on the football team to anyone who can fill it.

Lynne Oelrich, do leave my love for art to Patsy Bowling.

Jerry Oldham, do leave my low voice to Tony Yow.

Loretta O'Quinn, do leave to be with Ronnie.

Sue Palmer, do leave my love for cops to anyone who has to live with them.

Bill Parker, do leave in the old hot rod, hoping it will make it.

Junior Patterson, do leave my ability to come from Broadway ever day to Ronnie Patterson and the old '46.

Pat Patterson, do leave my devilish ways to Wesley Measamer.

Patricia Patterson, do leave my love for charm bracelets to anyone as mad about them as I.

Patsy Patterson, do leave my quiet ways to Sandra Poe.

Lynda Pearce, do leave my beatnik ways to anyone in that state of mind.

Donna Poe, do leave my "great height" to Beth Lucas.

Judy Poe, do leave my position at John's to Jimmy Womble.

Frank Potter, do leave my position as President of the Student Body to anyone who will enjoy it as much as I seem to..

Sylvia Powers, do leave my wit to Judy Glass.

Glenn Price, do leave my ability to ruin the Spanish to anyone smart enough.

Pat Price, do leave to Red "Peanuts".

Mildred Rollins, do leave my seat on bus 36 to anyone with nerve enough to ride it.

Don Ross, do leave my Yankee accent behind, but Betty goes with me.

Don Russ, do leave my "prize-fighting" to Elmon Holder.

Helen Ann Seymour, do leave my musical ability to Sandra Morgan.

Gary Sharpe, do leave in peace.

Jack Singles, do leave Mr. Rice in peace.

Adrian Smith, do leave my love for Hitler to Charles Berry.

Ann Smith, do leave my love for the opposite sex to Judy Dossenbach.

Linda Spivey, do leave my love for English to Joy Thomas.

Wayne Spivey, do leave my jokes and corny lines to anyone who will laugh at them.

Kay Stone, do leave my unexcused absences to my sister, who will probably have great need for them.

Dixie Straughan, do leave my laugh to Mary Jackson.

Mary Sue Talley, do leave my royalty to some deserving underclassman.

Lanelia Taylor, do leave my quiet ways to Patsy Parrish.

Eugene Thomas, do leave my happy-go-lucky attitude to Paul Carter.

Frank Thomas, do leave my love for D.O. to my brother Johnny who might not make it this year.

Gail Thomas, do leave my walk to anyone who can imitate it.

Jean Thomas, do leave my ability to come in late, and get away with it, to Jean Barnes.

Jerry Thomas, do leave to add more trophies to Dad's collection.

Johnny Thomas, do leave my love for D.O. to my brother Frank who may not make it this year.

Michael Thomas, do leave my "worldly ways" to Gary Farlow.

Peggy Thomas, do leave my ability to wear my hair any way to Judy Phillips.

Richard Thomas, do leave.

Jerry Todd, do leave my love for out of town girls to Charlie Hunter.

Vance Thomas, do leave my love for all girls to anyone who can handle them.

Nicky Tyner, do leave my ability to forget birthdays to anyone that's absent-minded.

Nellie Underwood, do leave happily.

Sylvia Vick, do leave my snoopy ways to anyone who desires them.

Bill Vila, do leave and take Sylvia with me.

Charles Von Cannon, do leave - slowly, as usual.

Libby Wallace, do leave my love for school to anyone who wants it for twelve months a year.

Marie Wester, do leave my blonde hair to Sharon Shepherd.

Jimmy Whitaker, do leave my ability to get things done to my brother Larry.

Judy Wicker, do leave my quiet ways to Nancy Thomas.

Joy Wilkins, do leave my love for horses to Kay Buchanan.

Linda Wilkins, do leave my voice to anyone who needs choral for the year.

David Williams, do leave silently.

Sandra Williams, do leave my bottle of "marchands" to Jackie Patterson.

Faye Williamson, do leave my love for new cars to Billie Rose Kelly.

Robert Wilson, do leave to join my wife.

Dennis Womack, do leave my love for fast cars to anyone crazy enough to want it.

Albert Womble, do leave my "love" for U.S. History to anyone who takes it for two years.

Wilson Womble, do leave my studious ways to Tommy Faulk.

