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04/01/08 11:39 AM #3    

Kim Inman (Pennock)


What was your favorite song in high school? What would you like to hear at the reunion? Please share your thoughts and ideas.

04/04/08 01:24 PM #4    

Stacie Longwell (Hill)

Hi Everyone! Please feel free to add any ideas you may have for the class reunion. Remember this is YOUR reunion, so feel free to speak your mind! We love ideas, especially when they come with volunteers to help carry them out. Our next reunion planning meeting will be on Sunday, May 4th at Joe's Place in beautiful downtown Saranac. Everyone is invited!

04/17/08 07:25 PM #5    

Shaun Barcelow

Come on now...Kim and I can't be the only ones who listen to music!

04/21/08 06:52 PM #6    

Jeff Walter

Hello All,

Yeah any music doesnt matter to Me. Mostly favorite is Rap and Hard Rock kinds.

04/29/08 10:53 PM #7    

Shaun Barcelow

That's more like it. We're up to five participants in the music list, plus one anonymous contributor. It's getting interesting. We have some fairly diverse tastes.

05/07/08 03:37 AM #8    

Steve Johnson

i would like to here mostly music that we grew up with like bon jovi,judas preist, poison, the reunion.


05/08/08 03:52 AM #9    

Steve Johnson

Pat Rickert told me that he had been in contact with brad watters who has been living in Florida for quite a wile now. just thought i would pass that along to everyone.

05/10/08 03:30 PM #10    

Kathy Scheid (Sawyer)

Ok - so Shawn had to call me out! I wasn't trying to be annonymous! I am the one who likes Rihanna and PCD! Good dancing music. The guys will appreciate seeing all the ladies shake their money makers!

Hey Steve, do you know if we have an address for Brad? Can you get in touch with Pat and get that for us so I can mail him an invitation? Thanks!

05/12/08 10:10 AM #11    

Shaun Barcelow

Haha. I asked and was given a hint...okay, so a really good hint...but I wasn't going to spill the beans. And I plead the fifth about "shaking money-makers". :P

05/14/08 04:03 PM #12    

Kathy Scheid (Sawyer)

Ok Shawn, so who is giving out the hints - the really good hints? Man, these small town people! Can't trust um as far as you can throw um! Pleading the 5th - probably a smart move :)

05/16/08 12:25 AM #13    

Steve Johnson

hey kathy
i"ll see about getting hold of pat about brad but it seems everytime i have his cell phone number's or e-mail address they change to a different provider. but i'll try the current one's i have to see if he is still there.

05/16/08 03:59 PM #14    

Kathy Scheid (Sawyer)

Well Steve, like any red-blooded american guy - most do like money makers! Alright already! New subject. I didn't realize where this may be going...

06/09/08 02:22 PM #15    

Shaun Barcelow

Apparently, that was the only subject anybody was interested in. :P

06/26/08 02:31 PM #16    

Kathy Scheid (Sawyer)

Hey Steve- Did you have any luck getting a hold of Brad Watters? We still have a few we need to hunt down.

07/11/08 03:52 PM #17    

Brad Watters

You can stop looking Im right here! Im all about the moneymakers. Do i need to show up and show you guys how to party?

07/14/08 09:02 PM #18    

Darren Gravelin

Is there going to be a live band or DJ? I know a great band if your lookin. No its not my band! They are called RED BUTT MONKEY and they play alot of our old music. Hey Steve Johnson get in touch with me. We got some riding to do. Oh one more thing-- Can anyone tell me how Joe died. I was not aware untill I came on here.

07/15/08 10:55 AM #19    

Kathy Scheid (Sawyer)

We are very low on money. So, at this point we are having to be very creative in the music department. Unless you know someone who would play for next to nothing, we will have to make due with pre-recorded 80's music and sound equipment. But if anyone wants to pitch in to help...

07/15/08 01:09 PM #20    

Darren Gravelin

Let me see if my old band with jump back together for the night. They owe me a free-bee anyway. I am correct in assuming that since it is on school grounds there is no smoking or drinking, right? I dont drink much and have quit smoking but others in the band do. I would not want to surprise them. The name of the band is Boliver Dragnut. I will post as soon as I find out. I will gladly pay my way ,but could you at least feed the others? there are 4 of them and they are great guys.

07/16/08 04:49 PM #21    

Darren Gravelin

Anyone want a live band? We play a large variety of music. From Jimmy Hendrix to Three Doors Down and alot in between. Let me hear it!!!!!!!

07/16/08 06:59 PM #22    

Rebecca Benz (Benz)

So this is the place to be, huh. I just feel like writing something, and since I'm not going near the "moneymakers" topic, let me throw my two cents in about music at the reunion. I'm all about 80s music to this day. Yes, I dabble in more recent stuff and listed a few of those on the Our Music! deal, but when it comes down to driving around in my car in the freaking miserable Twin Cities traffic, nine times out of ten, I'm listening to my 80s playlist on my iPod (the technology has changed, but the music hasn't...). Now, granted, my 80s favorites may be different from others' 80s favorites (Rock the Casbah, anyone?), but I can listen to just about anything from the decade. Whether it's live music or not doesn't matter so much to me. On another topic, geesh, what does it take to get our classmates to put some info on the website. I check back all the time, but it changes so slowly...

07/18/08 10:14 PM #23    

Kathy Scheid (Sawyer)

Hey Darrin,
Thanks so much for your "go getterness" Is that a word? Anyway- I don't want to overlap on music. The committe for 1987 and 1988 are working with Lionel Haskins for DJ service. Now, I will know on Monday what he charges. So keep us on hold for a couple of days, because if he is too expensive, we may want to go with a live band. We have decided we would like to keep the theme primarily 80's. But I am sure if we can dance to it, it will be fine. As for paying for dinner for band members, I don't see that as a problem. If we can get a live (good) band for $80- that's pretty damn good! Why don't you keep me posted personally on this Darrin. The committe is meeting on July 27th to firm up details. So keep me posted at:
Again, thanks for all your input- this is great!

07/18/08 10:24 PM #24    

Kathy Scheid (Sawyer)

I forgot to address your other questions on drinking and smoking.

I am sure there is some "law" about no drinking and smoking on school property, but we are leaving it as people can make their own discreet decisions on these topics.

There is obviously no alcohol or tobacco allowed in the school itself. As for what transpires in the parking lot, is an individual choice.

We just ask that people be discreet and respectful to those who choose not to drink or smoke.

07/21/08 05:53 PM #25    

Stacie Longwell (Hill)

Hi all, to answer the question about Joe Booms, he died at home last fall of a longstanding problem with his kidneys. Losing him reinforces the value of getting together like this. I am looking forward to seeing you all next month!

08/25/08 08:18 AM #26    

Shaun Barcelow

Thanks to everyone who worked to put the reunion together. My wife and I had a nice time.

08/30/08 08:29 PM #27    

Christine Gage (Phipps)

Hey Everyone,
It was fun to see people at the reunion....take care and keep in touch.

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