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Classmate Profiles

     Contains profile information: 184
     Profile contains photos: 90
     In Memory: 46
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 46
     Military Service: 30
   Restricted to Classmates only


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 A-Z    Last Updated: 184    Newest Members: 181    Latest Comments: 112  

William Anno    
Ron Bahr   
Butch Baker    
Greg Bates    
Rick Bedard    
Kurt Bell    
Marti Brock    
Patrick Bush     
Dan Clark   
Peggy Conklin    
Vince Cooper    
Angie Cornely    
Dennis Crook    
Gail Dabney    
Janet Davison    
John Dennis    
Larry Dew    
Mike Ginavan    
Scott Glenn    
Pam Goodman    
Doug Hagler    
Vernon Haid    
Doug Hailey    
Jim Hailey    
Mark Heckel    
Eldon Hinck    
Robert Hoppas    
Larry Hoss   
David Jones    
Wayne Jordan    
Mike Klamm    
Lee Laue   
Keith Lawson    
Kevin Lister     
Pat Matthews    
Tommy Millard    
Dennis Miller    
Jeff Morris    
David Morrow    
Mike Oliver    
Daniel Ortiz    
Robert Patterson     
Mary Rochelle    
Tim Roush    
Mike Shaver    
Randal Smith    
John Sosa     
Gary Strong    
Kevin Strong    
Randy Strunk    
Kerry Taylor    
Leslie Vining     
Orie Wall    
Fred Weaver    
Mark Whitlow     
Mark Wilson    
Mike Woodfin    
Roger Woodman    

Guest Members

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